Thursday, December 27, 2007
Troy Hooton Versailles Video
She advised me I had changed the background music and she, not a company in Columbus, had converted it to VHS format. The music was changed because of the many editing cuts for YouTube. I was told by a relative of Mr. Hooton that the conversion to VHS was performed by a video company in Columbus, Indiana. I must have misunderstood.
I will not be editing, duplicating, or distributing any further copies in the future. She also informed me that the Tyson Library, Versailles, has the original copy by Mrs. Hazzard.
I sincerely apologize for any problem I have caused to anyone in this matter.
Yours Digitally,
Jonathan (Jack) Demaree
Versailles, In.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
MagicJack VOIP

MagicJack is a newly offered Voice over IP (VOIP) device that has just launched. In a perfect world you can purchase this small device for $40 plus shipping, plug it into your broadband internet computer via the USB port then any home phone plugs into the MagicJack. The company states you will be making unlimited calls both local and long distant for free. After the first year you must renew at $20. Yes I said year. "To bad this is not a perfect world". You receive a phone number so people can call you but I found the area codes are sparse, No Indiana codes at all were in the group. I picked a phone number in or near Cleveland Ohio. This is not a real big drawback as I will be making calls not receiving calls. People calling me can just call my regular phone number as they have always done in the past. I found that when I plugged MagicJack into the computer nothing happened at all. My computer did not recognize it at all. I tried another computer and nothing. I then plugged in a powered USB hub, then the MagicJack into the hub. This time the computer recognized the device and went onto installing the software and upgrade it needed to activate. You type in a few questions it asks like your address for 911 & what area code you want. I found that after the install using the hub it would work without the hub, Why ? I don't have a clue. In the left pain of the software window that is displayed you can click to have it open your browser. This will not work on my system. It opens up Internet Explorer but I use FireFox as my default browser. As a work around I copy and past the URL into FireFox and it displays the the URL OK. I called a few people both long distance and local finding I could hear the party I was calling perfect, but the person that was called said they could hear a clicking noise on their end. I found the quality as good or better than a cell phone connection. By the way I called a cell phone number and it worked OK but it dropped out a few times but it was the cell phone's problem as the party was in a fringe area. I also found there is no voice phone contact to the MagicJack company. It has no email address either. If you want to return it before the 30 day trial is up you are in for a surprise as it took me the best part of an hour to get a return authorization number (RMA) to send it back. Here is the URL to obtain the RMA:
Make sure you keep your sales slip (print it out) and everything that comes in the package, as you must send all of this back for a refund. Send it to:
magicJack LP
PO Box 6846
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
To sum MagicJack up, If you are a advanced user and consider yourself a somewhat geek MagicJack might be for you. But my advice would be to wait for improvments..........jack
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Trans-Siberian Orchestra

I love to listen to fifty and sixties music, I'm open to other types of music as well. I do play some classical records from time to time. Glenn Miller was searching for that new sound and found it several times with such songs as "Tuxedo Junction", "American Patrol", and my favorite "In the Mood". He once said,"A band ought to have a sound all of its own. It ought to have a personality." I found a group by the name of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. They have the new sound and it is loaded with personality. I think no matter if you are a teen or an old geezer like me you will like their sound. My wife tells me they have been around for 6 or 7 years. I guess I don't get out much. I think you can listen to 25 of there songs for free at:
Buy a CD, you won't regret it.
There is a YouTube video with "Wizards In Winter" (Instrumental) with Christmas lights keeping time to the music. A large number have seen this video but not knowing the composer. It can be seen/heard at:
or some other videos at:
Friday, December 21, 2007
HD TV & HDMI inputs
After trying the cheaper one myself, I can say there is almost no noticeable difference in quality. When you buy a $100 Monster HDMI cable, all your really buying is a designer cable, one that looks cool with the Monster Cable logo on it. But if you’re like me, you don’t spend your day LOOKING at your cable; you just want it to use.
Don’t get suckered into paying too much for your cables. An HDMI shouldn’t cost you more than $20, and you’ll be getting something that is almost the same as a rip off Monster Cable. The only true benefit to getting one is the fact that it might be a little bit thicker than a cheaper one, making it harder to break. But since its something that just hangs there, it’s not worth your money. My advice is to shop around.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
KM Player = audio/video
Get it here:
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Read directions first before you start....
You must hold the left mouse button down to go up...release to go down...MOST DIFFICULT
Some people have worn their finger out on this. If you are working for a living, do not forward to your co-workers.. The rest of the day will be useless to the company..
Think you can fly a helicopter? Click on the link below and give it a whirl!
Fly a helicopter
Thanks L.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Why Your Electronics Suck (Energy)
How can that be? As long as they’re plugged in, most of these electronics are still using electricity when they’re turned off. That’s right, as in OFF, which is supposed to mean OFF—except in this day and age, when apparently OFF means something can still draw power. And that costs us money, wastes energy and contributes to our global warming problem. (More than 40 percent of all global emissions of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, is caused by electrical power plants.)
Read the rest of this article
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas food & toy distribution

Again this year the Versailles American Legion along with others are preparing for the annual Christmas food & toy distribution to the needy. Our Post 173 would like to welcome Ohio Rod as a sponsor this year. I have posted a few photos that were taken the day of delivery from United Food and Commercial Workers Union. Thank you goes to Kroger Co. for furnishing transportation. Super-Val of Versailles provides perishable goods for delivery. A big thank you goes out to our sponsors & individuals that help with this service to our community.
See the photos at:
Two short years
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
"Victory at Sea"

If you are an ol' timer like me you'll remember the TV show "Victory at Sea". I have about 16 hours on VHS tape that needs to be converted to DVD, may be I'll get that done on a cold snowy day soon. Any way if you remember this program there was always great music in the background played by the United States Navy Band. You can hear it again on this Web Page:
Here is the Special "Extra-long" Theme you can listen to now:
Symphonic Scenario - MP3 ... 1.8M
Trans Siberian Orchestra
Every year I get this same question, so here is the replay:
You seem to be able to find things on the Web that others can't, so where can I find the song or video of Trans Siberian Orchestra Christmas lights. I was told it was on the Web but I have not had luck locating it. Where is it ye ol' Google man ?
You Tube has the video at:
Monday, December 10, 2007
Screamer Radio
- It's easy to use
- It's not bloated
- It's ad free
- It has no spyware
- It has a huge database of radio stations
- It has a cool peak meter ;)
- You can easily record what you're listening to
- You can hide it in the system tray
- You can play back on multiple soundcards
- .. and it's free!
John also reports that my Police scanner works perfect with this program.
Just type in under > file > Open URL
Thanks John for the great tip............ jack
Friday, December 07, 2007
Attack on Pearl Harbor
read more at:
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Dial Up & YouTube

I'm using a dial-up connection and can't play the YouTube videos. Is there a work-around for us non broadbanders ?
If on dial-up and your connection is to slow to view a YouTube movie there is a trick you can perform to show the flick.
After the movie starts click the "Pause" button. Notice the red bar that will appear in time. Wait till the red bar reaches the end of its track. This may take several minutes. This is called "buffering". Now click "play" and if your computer is up to speed the movie will play without stopping to re-buffer (or catch up).
Thanks Bob B for your question............. jack
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tis the season
Happy Holidays...................from jack
Rename Master (free)
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Crackling fireplace
At, you can purchase 30-minutes of crackling fire and a beautiful original score by Geoff Smith formated for wide or standard screen portable players, your computer or Apple TV. This was filmed in high definition, and can come with or without music.
This is a collaborative effort between Geoff, Paul Cullgian, and Cali and Neal. The cost for the Yule Log is anywhere from $5.00 to $10.00, depending on what you need. Why should you pay for this? Well, a portion of the proceeds is going to charity. ‘Tis the Season for giving, after all. In Cali’s own words:
This is something we?ve worked on nights and weekends for almost a month and we hope it?s something that will warm your heart and bring smiles to the faces of friends you share it with.
If you?re giving someone an iPod that plays video this year, load it up with the iYule Log.
If you?re taking that special someone in your life out for a nice holiday dinner, load iYule Log on your iPod and put it on the table for a touch of whimsical romance.
Proceeds will be split by the producers and a percentage will go to three of our favorite charities. Geoff chose the Songs of Love Foundation, a charity that provides personalized songs for chronically and terminally ill children and young adults. Paul has chosen LitLiberation, the largest online literacy experiment in history. Neal and I have chosen Heifer International, a non-profit that helps families in poverty by giving them valuable live animals to provide eggs, milk and farming help.
The video we've produced is a cozy multi-sensory experience that pulls me into the romantic essence of a fireplace, every time I turn it on to watch.
Get it here:
Warning !!! you will need a broadband connection to download (1 Gig file size)
If you need a MP4 player get a free one at:
Monday, November 26, 2007
Flo Pegee - A legend of Versailles Ind.

I was ask about Flo Pegee and if I had any photos of her home. So I have up loaded all the pictures I have to:
Below text copied from: "Tales of Versailles" by Alan Smith Sr.
Flo Pegee or Florence Skeen was a legend in Versailles. Views differed, so it is left up to the reader how she should be judged. Flo was called a "witch" by some children because of the style in which she dressed when she was of older age. She was convicted as an abortionist in her late years, but she always claimed that she was a friend to those in need. Her father was Calvin Skeen, who ran the Hassmer House, (now the Yellow Dog) and was a prominent man in Versailles. Flo's brother shot himself at the Hassmer House when he was 20 years old. For many years Flo operated a saloon in a small green house on lot #72 on the southwest corner of Main Cross (now Tyson St.) and Washington Streets. While she ran this saloon Flo had a pet parrot named Polly. Polly was very popular with the town children and customers. Polly was trained to say some appropriate and not so appropriate phrases, but was enjoyed by most customers. Flo was a talented seamstress and made hats and clothes for many of her friends. Upon her death, she specified that she not be buried below ground. According to her wishes, she was buried in an above ground stone tomb in Cliff Hill Cemetery.
DVD Videos
I can see that you are into making videos by looking at your YouTube page. Can you give me (us) some pointers on the task? Thanks, Bill H.
I am ask this question very often and I always answer it the same way,"buy a DVD set-top recorder". A good place to get one is Wal-Mart. They always have a large selection to choose from. Just plug your CamCorder or AVI camera into the DVD recorder and push the record button.
Now if you are a geek and want to experiment get a capture video card for your computer. The ATI "All In One Wonder" is the one I use but there are many to choose from. The easiest and also included with Windows is Windows Movie Maker, Very simple to use but limited in features. Here is a nice basic free editor:
You can pay hundreds of dollars for high end editors if you care to, but the beginner should start out simple till you get the hang of editing your movie. You can always upgrade if you find you want to go high class.
If you want to make a nice presentation with still photos try:
or you can do it with Microsoft Power Point if you have it.
You can also up-load your photos to:
for a slide show that your friends can view online.
With any form of video just be prepared to spend a lot of your time. My first edit and with a menu took about eight hours to get uploaded and finished. As I said at the beginning "just buy a set top DVD recorder".
Thanks Bill, hope this helps with your movies...........jack
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The perfect shot

I was sound asleep in my chair in my living room when I awoke to a load buzz. It was my motion alarm set to sound when movement was detected near the house. I was now wide awake and gathering my thoughts. I looked at the clock to find it was four AM. I grabbed my pistol, flipped the TV remote to view the security cameras that scan the property. There he was sneaking down the driveway, was it the mad coax cutter or the jerk that sugars gas tanks? no it was a very large coyote just checking out the yard. I opened the door, clapped my hands and gave out a loud yell, "Get out of here"! His very large glassy eyes looked direct at me for a few seconds then he just pranced off to the high way, crossed into the neighbor's yard and out of sight. Not a big deal this time, but if it had been the Stone Queen or other jerk I would have had a perfect shot. To end this short story, I backed up the DVR recording to DVD so I could show my wife when the morning came and went off to bed. The moral of this story, "Don't mess around my house if you have bad intentions".
Thursday, November 22, 2007
- Completely FREE PDF Converter - not just a trial version.
- Print to PDF from virtually any Windows® application.
- Create PDF output optmized for print, screen, ebook, or prepress.
- No annoying pop-up ads, no registration requirement - no catch!
- High-quality, easy to use PDF creator for all users.
- New! Ability to merge PDF files upon conversion.
- New! Now supports Windows Vista
Thanksgiving Day
Read more at:
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Internet security
What Internet security suite do you use ?
Preferring stand-alone programs that tend to do one job well and take up fewer resources than the big cludgy suites like McAfee, Norton and ZoneAlarm. (Forget AOL! It should be declared an Internet traffic hazard.)
NOD-32 anti-virus I feel is one of the best and NOD32 is a steal at $29.95 a year for a two-year subscription.
Next is AVG free if you are on a budget.
If you are still running XP, PC Tools offers a very nice free Firewall.
lavasoft is free for the taking and offers a good protection from spy-ware and malware.
There is also a pay version, but think not worth the cost.
Although I have not used it, nod32 comes highly recommended and yes it is a security suite (all in one) The cost is about $60 per year. Free 90 day trial at:
A firewall is kind of a pain in the rear for a novice to use, but if you do not use a router connected to your modem you may want to use one for added protection.
Thank you for your question......... Jack
Sunday, November 18, 2007
A nice Christmas gift
A nice Christmas gift for your wife would be "The Master's Message" a book of short stories written by my Wife Betty. Here is what she tells about herself:
I was born in the state of Maine, but my parents brought me to Indiana when I was very small. I have lived in Southeastern Indiana most all my life. My husband is a Vietnam veteran. I married young and I am still married to the same man. I have two children and two grandchildren. The writing bug bit me many years ago and for almost three years I wrote and distributed a newsletter, which consisted of biblical teaching, inspirational segments and short stories. I have spent endless hours sitting in front of the computer applying the story telling to the screen in front of me and then sending it on to numerous people hungry for an opportunity to escape, if only for a short time, into a world of imagination. The teaching area of my letters and the inspirations were a means of getting God's message out to those who cared to listen. Hence, the title of my book. "The Master's Message." We have all been told from time to time that we are incapable of accomplishing our dreams. Why is it that we buy into all that negativity? I am an ordinary human being, with an ordinary background, in an ordinary life and I have proven that anything is possible if you just step out and have faith. We all have God given gifts and talents and if it is our desire then it is God's desire also, providing it is used to be a blessing to someone. I hope that this book blesses you. The one who is reading this now is hopefully one of many, but nevertheless, if only one is touched, then my job is done.
An article that appeared in our local newspaper:
Here is a sample from the publisher "Author House"
Betty Demaree's Web Page:
If you would like a copy of "The Master's Message" in time for Christmas please email Betty at:
Your book will be shipped Priority Mail. You may pay with PayPal or Money order. She will reply with the details for your order.
How do you find this stuff ?
My answer is always the same, "I search for it".
Try Google's Advanced Search at:
Here are some tips to try.
By default the search engine tries to locate pages which have exact matches for all of the words entered in your search query. If that fails, it then tries to locate pages which contain any words in your search query.
In addition, there are several ways to modify the default search behavior.
1. phrase search
The search engine supports three types of phrase search.
* To match an exact phrase, use quotes around the phrase
Example: "free search engine"
* To match a near (within a couple of words) phrase, use square brackets [around the words]
Example: [free search engine]
* To match a far (within several words) phrase, use braces { around the words }
Example: {free search engine}
2. + and - qualifiers
If you prepend a word with + that word is required to be on the page.
If you prepend a word with - that word is required to not be on the page.
Example: +always -never
3. * wildcard
If a query word ends with a * all words on a page which start the same way as that query word will match.
Example: gift*
4. ? wildcard
If a query word contains a ? any character will match that position.
Example: b?g
5. boolean search
You can use the following boolean operators in your search: AND, OR, NOT. These operators MUST be in capital letters.
Example: (contact AND us) OR (about AND us)
All of these techniques can be combined: +alway* -ne??r*
Happy searching ...............Jack
Saturday, November 17, 2007
KAGUYA (SELENE) press release
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) have successfully performed the world's first high-definition image taking of an Earth-rise* by the lunar explorer "KAGUYA" (SELENE,) which was injected into a lunar orbit at an altitude of about 100 km on October 18, 2007 (Japan Standard Time. Following times and dates are all JST.)
The Apollo project was the first mission to take images of Earth rising over the Moon. The KAGUYA successfully shot high-definition images of the Earth-rise showing an impressive image of the blue Earth which was the only floating object in pitch-dark space. These are the world's first high-definition earth images taken from about 380,000 km away from the earth in space.
The image taking was performed by the KAGUYA's onboard high definition television (HDTV) for space use developed by NHK. The moving image data acquired by the KAGUYA was received at the JAXA Usuda Deep Space Center, and processed by NHK.
The satellite was confirmed to be in good health through telemetry data received at the Usuda station.
* Note: we use the expression "Earth-rise" in this press release, but the Earth-rise is a phenomenon seen only from satellites that travel around the Moon, such as the KAGUYA and the Apollo space ship. The Earth-rise cannot be observed by a person who is on the Moon as they can always see the Earth at the same position.
Read & see more at:
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Windows' Notepad Replacement
NoteTab Light improves on Windows' Notepad in so many ways; it's tough to count them. Start with the basics: You can open multiple files, not just one as you're forced to do in Notepad. Each file runs in its own tab so switching between them is easy. The program comes with all kinds of nifty built-in utilities too, such as a feature that strips HTML out of a document, a Paste Board that saves text clips automatically, macros and plenty of oddball free tools such as a mortgage-rate calculator. Get it here for free: wish people would use a simple program like this to strip out the garbage ">>>>>" like that, from the forward emails. Copy and paste them into this program and strip out the garbage, then paste it back into a new email you want to send to 35 people in the next 10 minutes so your phone will ring at 7 pm with good news......... jack
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Another Weather Map
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

If you know me well you know I love radio and it is a big part of my life. I am 62 and I have been fasinated sense I was about 6 years old. When 6 I had an all American five in a wood cabinet. It set on a small table next to my bed and played all night with a small speaker that I had wired in. The external speaker was placed under the pillow so only I could hear it. WOWO, WLW, KDKA, WSM, and many others put me to sleep every night. Its to bad that you younger than I missed this world of radio and only watched TV. I still listen to AM radio but it is nothing like it was then. If you would like to step back into time here is a few links I have found telling of "The Big One" WLW Radio from Cincinnati, Ohio.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Veterans Day - November 11th

Veterans Day is an American holiday honoring military veterans. Both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is celebrated on the same day as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world, falling on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I. (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.)
Veterans Day is largely intended to thank living veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to United States national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served - not only those who died - have sacrificed and done their duty.
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
***My Linguistic Profile:***
60% General American English
20% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Indiana Fall Colors

As promised I took a few photos of the Fall tree colors from Cliff Hill Cemetery overlooking the Versailles Lake.
Here is one of the entrance arch to Cliff Hill with some colorful trees in the background .
The rest of the photos are at:
As always, all of my public photos can be seen at:
The trees are not as colorful this year due to the very dry season we had. I hope you like them.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Friday, November 02, 2007
Paul Tibbets, dies at 92

Paul Tibbets pilot who bombed Hiroshima
To the end of his days, Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr. believed that dropping the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima was a justifiable means of shortening World War II and preserving the lives of hundreds of thousands of American servicemen who military experts said might have died in a final Allied invasion of Japan.
Read the complete article: Click Here
Tibbets was one of my heroes.
A Very Sad Day

Today is a very sad day here at the Demaree household. Our little black dog named Baxter has passed away. He was born in the state of Illinois 11 years ago. He was brought to Indiana by my daughter Sandy. He lived with her for a few months them came to our home and has brought 10 years of joy to Betty and I. He was Betty's dog from the start but when she was away he made up with me. He did not like thunder and would climb on my lap when storms came, he would beg setting up at my feet when I had my lunch and always gave him a few crums. He was my red dog K.C.'s sidekick. I'm sure K.C. will miss him as much or more than we. I have had dogs all of my life and each time I loose one I have to cry as they are part of our family. Baxter will be missed greatly.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Under $200 PC
Everex delivers $198 Google-friendly PC by ZDNet's Dan Farber -- Everex has teamed up with open source players to create a $198 PC (sans display). The Everex Green gPC TC2502 runs a Linux OS and is loaded with (or has links to) free applications, including Gmail, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, Google Calendar, Google Product Search, Google Blogger, Google YouTube, Google Maps, Google News, Meebo [...]
I did a WalMart store search for this computer and found it not in stock within 100 miles of Madison or Greensburg. However, you may purchase it online and have it shipped to the closest WalMart store for no shipping charge. Just be aware this computer has an OS of Linux. This means Windows programs will not run on this computer. I think this computer would be great for someone just wanting to use email and Web surfing. The printer that you use with this computer would have to have a Linux driver. Also I think you must have a broadband ISP (cable or DSL) connection.(Caveat emptor)
Read more
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
One for my Geek Friends
I have been using "You Send It" but I like this un-bloated one better.
Vista - Laugh of the Day

Today I boot up and a balloon pops up and tells me I have an illegal copy of Windows installed on my computer . I guess Compaq or Staples is ripping off Bill. (not) I will let you know the outcome after I call Microsoft or HP. Stay tuned, as I'm sure it is going to be a good one.
Illegal Vista OS
I desided to call HP / Compaq to see what they say about the illegal Vista OS. After speaking to their computer with pretty good voice recognition I was connected to a very hard to understand low audio speaking young lady. She ask several questions about the computer (that I had to have repeated several times) then took control of the computer. She made several changes & had me reboot the machine. After the reboot I did not receive the message telling of the OS was illegal. She tried to sell me an extended warrenty but I declined the offer as it was $139.00, this was 1/4 the price paid when purchased when new. (too much) I hung up the phone and rebooted again. After opening thr FireFox browser the computer locked up. I had to shut it off with the power button. I restarted and now I am typing this paragraph in NotePad getting ready to send it to the Blog. I will now save it just incase it locks up again. I opened FireFox again and now pasting and typing to the blog. All seems fine so maybe it is fixed. I will tell you I am impressed with HP's customer service as I have called them two time now and they seem to fix the problem and the wait time is short. Till next time - Stay tuned for the next episode of the Vista nightmare !
The saga continues
I was out for one hour but when I returned The balloon was on the screen informing me of the illegal copy of Windows installed on my computer. I called HP again and was told all I had to do was validate Vista. I was given a phone number to Microsoft. I called the 800 number and stayed on hold for about 10 minutes. A fellow with a very hard accent wanted to know my full name, phone number, then my email address. After saying could you repeat that about 20 times I tryed to tell him I wanted to activate Vista. He transferred me to some nice music for a few minutes then came another person I could not understand. I had to go threw the complete thing as before, then he ask what could he help me with today. I told him I just wanted to activate Vista then he told me he would transfer my call so I could do that. BE Bop tones sounded and I was disconnected. I called back and went threw all the name phone number and email address again. I was then transferred to another department that ask all the same questions again. At last I thought I had a young lady that could help me, but no she said she did not do Vista. Enough is enough, I went to the old stand by Google and started searching for my problem. On the second page I found the answer. Another fellow had posted the same problem and below was the answer ! I installed a firewall a few days ago just like he did. It is not compatible with Vista, and when un-installed the problem was fixed.......... I think.... So far. I wasted two hours on the phone and got nowhere with the people that should have had the answers. To end this mess I just want to say I thought the OS Microsoft "ME" was bad, it don't hold a candle to this thing called Vista. Do not load Vista till you are forced into it.

Halloween, or Hallowe'en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, Halloween festivals, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses", carving jack-o-lanterns, and viewing horror films. Halloween originated from the Pagan festival Samhain, celebrated among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain[citation needed]. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is now celebrated in several parts of the western world, most commonly in Ireland, the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom and occasionally in parts of Australia and New Zealand.
Copied from Wikipedia encyclopedia
Halloween Pumpkin Carving
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Real Truth about Vista
"Help I'm Crashing & I Can't Boot Up"!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Spam Problem - Help -
I am getting tons of spam. Is there a way to delete it before I download it to my mail program ?
Thank you, Jim B.
Email Remover can save you the trouble of downloading unwanted email. It connects to your ISP and retrieves mail header information (sender, subject, date, etc.), letting you pick mail you don't want to receive and deleting it from the mail server. It will optionally run your regular email client when it's done so that you can transfer and read the mail you do want. Email Remover is a handy little spam blocker in the never-ending battle against spam -- and it's free!.
User Name: Beta User Key a3
Key: L8pblBN7wdXrCA
(case sensitive)
Another Remover that I use myself is "G-Lock SpamCombat"
This program may be overkill for some but I get hundreds of spam emails every day and it is a real time saver. Download it from:
If you need a free email account and spam filter combined get a G-Mail account for free. The spam filter works almost flawlessly. Give it a try at:
I hope this helps with your spam problem that we all have.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
DPHOTO, Store & View 100 photos free
There are three account types that you can choose from on DPHOTO, but thankfully, even the free version doesn’t contain ads. Photo importing and management is simple, and instead of receiving some complicated URL for your gallery to share with your friends, you’ll get a simple and personalized address. When you move up the account chain, you’ll gain access to features such as storage and backup of your original photos and extended file format support.
See the photos I have on file at:
Infinite Password Generator
The algorithm will make sure that no one can get the Master Password using the generated password. It uses MD5. The specifications of password generation method is provided so that you needn't to worry about hidden tricks.
It is easy to use and utilizes many keyboard shortcuts to make the generating process very simple and straightforward. You can also customize the password generated whether including letters (uppercase and/or lowercase), numbers, and/or symbols.
Just a very simple application that will make you free from stressful passwords.
The installation procedure is very simple and takes less than a minute. Just double-click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
No need to register, this program is completely FREE, contains no advertisement and is not a spyware.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Foxit PDF Reader
Are you tired of Adobe Reader hogging almost 23MB of your disk space, always phoning home for updates, and not providing such swift performance? (Browse to ?Before They Spoiled the Software? at for details.) Make the switch to Foxit Reader, a willowy, 2MB download that?s fast, free, and more versatile than Adobe?s bloatware. For instance, with Foxit you can annotate a PDF with text or graphics, and save the PDF forms you fill out.
--Steve Bass,62648/download.html
Above articale from PC World
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Old Music
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Martin "Marty" F. Conatser, National Legion Commander

Today A fellow member of the Versailles American Legion and myself will travel to Seymour Indiana to attend a short meeting at their Post #89. The guest speaker will be Martin "Marty" F. Conatser, our National Commander. This is quite an honor for a small post. Last year the 2006 National Commander, Paul Morin, spoke at the the Versailles post #173. I was there and snapped a few photos that you can see at:
I'll have my camera ready today to get a few photos. I'll post the good ones, Stay tuned ........
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Up-Date <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The photo taking was held to a minimum but I did capture this one of Martin Conatser (left) and our Versailles Post past commander Mr. Frank Braley. A short program and fine dinner was served. Commander Conatser spoke of the many programs the Legion provides for local and national alike.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Verizon nightmare resolved
Monday, October 08, 2007
Columbus Day is a holiday

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Observed by the Americas, Spain
Type Historical
Significance A celebration honoring Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the Americas in 1492
Date second Monday in October (USA); - Banks, Post Office, & court Houses are closed, save yourself a trip !
Photo from this page
October 12 (actual/traditional)
2007 date October 8 (USA)
Columbus Day is a holiday celebrating the anniversary of the October 12, 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas. Similar holidays, celebrated as Día de la Raza (Day of the Race) in many countries in Latin America, Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, Discovery Day in the Bahamas, Día de la Hispanidad in Spain, and the newly-renamed (as of 2002) Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela, commemorate the same event.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Blogger Play Shows Random Photos

Blogger Play is the name of a new service by Google's blogging platform. It shows random photos from recently published blog posts in the form of a slideshow. (Note the photos are not always safe for kids), as they're random. Google says they're applying SafeSearch, but there's still nudity sometimes. I have watched the photos zoom by for several minutes and never seen any photo that was out of the way. Clicking on an individual picture takes you to the blog post in question in a new window or tab and pauses the slideshow. Try this new Google gadget, It is a real time waster that you will love.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Jammie Thomas found guilty fined $220,000

RIAA wins key victory, accused file sharer must pay $220,000
A Minnesota woman must pay $220,000 to six of the top music labels after a federal jury found that violated their copyright.
Read the full scoop at:
Do you or your kids download copyrighted music ? Do you have $220,000 ? If you don't they / you better quit !
Hear what Chris Pirillo says:
Real Audio won't play - but now it will
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
"Sputnik" Happy 50th Birthday Oct 4, 1957

The Sputnik program was a series of unmanned space missions launched by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s to demonstrate the viability of artificial satellites for exploring the upper atmosphere as part of the International Geophysical Year. It included Sputnik 1, the first man-made object to orbit earth. The Russian name "Спутник" means literally "co-traveler" or "traveling companion" or "satellite". The R-7 launch vehicle was designed to carry nuclear warheads.
Read more at:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
ComCast Email (not)
Update (a week later)
ComCast emailed me at all of my email accounts (3 total) and told me someone was sending Spam from my accounts. They gave me another outgoing port and also told me to run a virus scan to remove the virus that was sending the spam out. No virus was found on any of my computers, 7 total. I changed the port and for the last two days my mail is going out as it should. (knock on wood)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Online Banking
My bank offers online bill paying and access to my account. Do you think it is safe to use?
Yes I think it is safe as long as you use good common sense. Don't display your password or pin numbers where others can see them, like on a post-it note stuck to your monitor. Do not have a text file with log-in information stored on your computer. If you can't remember passwords lock them up in another part of the house. Think it over before you sign up for this service, Do you really need this? I do not need this online banking and do not use it, but still I do think it is safe. If you sign up and find yourself not using it have you bank cancel it.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Verizon DSL Nightmare
Racket Squad

Scams arrive in my mailbox at the rate of about three per day. I mostlikely receive more than you do but I do think you will get one soon if you have not received one as of yet. Don't fall for these scams. There was a TV show that I watched when I was a kid called "Racket Squad" At the end the MC would state "There are people that will slap you on the back with one hand and pick your pocket with the other. And it could happen to you". Here is a web page that will give you some advice on how not to get into these scams:
Take a minute to visit these pages, It may save you a lot of grief.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Video added
See it here along with the rest:
This is the long version.
A slide show video of the Versailles Pumpkin Show will be added soon.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The GrandKids, My Betty, Sandy, & Aunt Betty
Photos from French Lick
See the full length video at:
Spybot - Search & Destroy
This is a free program and I may ad, one of the best.
Digital Photography
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friday, September 21, 2007
Six Must-Know HDTV Facts

Disappointed by how fuzzy CNN looks on your new HDTV? Wondering why Jack Bauer looks so soft and plump on your new flat-screen? Maybe it's because you're not really watching HD on your high-def TV.
Get some advice here:
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pumpkin Show
September 26th - 29th
105th Anniversary
Wed - Fri: 5:00 PM
9:00 AM Amusement Rides open
10:15 AM National Anthem
10:30 AM Parade
1:00 PM Pumpkin weigh in contest
Fri 9:00 PM
Versailles Legion Open House
Over 21 after 9 PM
Don't miss seeing your old friends
I'll be there too
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Versailles, Indiana School Life 1818 - 1966

A nice surprise came knocking at my door today. It was Ken Akers, he handed me fresh from the press "Versailles, Indiana School Life 1818 - 1966 History & Documentary Sketches". By Alan F. Smith, Jr. and others. This is a book you must have if you attended VHS. It is packed full of class photos, ball teams, and school adventures. The book will be on sale at several locations about Versailles I'm sure, but only one that I'm sure of and that is The Friendship State Bank Versailles branch. Get your copy and take a walk back through time.
Spencer-Tyson Drug (on the square) has them, also the American Legion has a few.
They can be ordered from:
Four-Sep Publications
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Slow DSL Computer
My Dad just hooked up to DSL but the download speed is about the speed of dial-up. The phone company tells me the line is OK. He was on dial-up before and it seemed to run at the speed it should of, but now it should be much faster and is not. What can I do to help him?
Take your laptop there and check the speed to see if it runs fast, if it does it is his computer. I it does not it is the DSL. If yours is OK and his is not try all of this.
Go here to check the speed It should be about 750 kb or so for the slow DSL. 1 to 1.5 Meg for Fast DSL
Run Adaware to clean off the spyware get it here:
Make sure you update it, then after it runs delete the files it finds.
Download a reg cleaner at,64953-page,1-c,downloads/description.html
Remove any symantec (Norton) products from the computer with:
Install AVG free virus program. Get it here: Update it and run it to see if you have a virus.
After you do all of this check the speed again and it should be running faster. All of this should take about three hours or so. Good Luck !
Monday, September 17, 2007
Versailles CVS Photos
See all my albums at:
Sunday, September 16, 2007
A Juiced Up Youtube =

You will need broadband for this one - sorry dial-uppers.
This is basically a juiced up youtube, LOTS BETTER AUDIO AND VIDEO than youtube, it does require the divx webplayer plugin, but its a small download and its worth it to me for the superior quality, check it out, there are all kinds of music, sports, movies, and etc. Check it out at:
Use Fire Fox browser to to follow the above link. Internet Explorer should work but I have not tried it to get the pug in. You can save these videos to your hard drive also, just wait till the buffer is completely full, then right click.
Play with Fire Fox browser to view from your hard drive.
Here are two of my favorites, but there are hundreds more that will fit your taste.
Faith Hope and Charity
An epic historical WW2 drama based on the actual defence of Malta.
1 hour
Pictures-of-War What happened to flight 19
This movie is based on a true story only with Monty Dan's view on what happened.
30 minutes
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Delorme Street Atlas 2007

It all began in the year 2004 when a small GPS unit and mapping software was installed on a notebook computer. The GPS location was displayed on the 15 inch display and was so accrete it was unbelievable. I was so happy with the performance and low price. It came the year 2007 and the software company Delorme notified me of upgraded maps I could install at a reduced price. I bout the upgrade and it installed without a hitch. I was happy again. Now still 2007 I purchased this new laptop that had the Vista operating system (OS) and I wanted to load the GPS software on it. I popped the first CD of three into the drive and after a mouse click or two an error message appeared. It would go no further. I went to the Delorme site on the Web to find a work around solution. I navigated to the customer service page with no help, then the tech support page, no help there either. I looked for a phone number but could not locate one. I found a search box and typed the error message. Boom, up popped a few suggestions, none applied to my problem. But wait, way down at the bottom of the page was in very small print, “ Vista users call 800-xxx-xxx”. A call was placed and a very understandable English speaking man answered. I told him the problem and he tells me I need the up-graded 2008 software. He told me he could send it out for $39.95. I said, “don’t you think after me buying 2004 and 2007 I should get it for free”? Well he did not think this was a very good idea at all. He said Delorme was not a non-profit company, but he did agree to sell me the upgrade for $15. I said, “if you can drop from $40 down to $15 you could drop down to nothing. He did not like this idea of mine either. The conversation went on and on but the negotiation stopped at $15. I ask him to let me talk to his boss. He said sure and put me on hold………. Forever, I hung up after twenty minutes, an old trick they all use. Not to give up I called a geek friend that I knew that has a Vista machine running the Delorme GPS software. I asked him if he had the 2008 upgrade. To my surprise he said no, it was 2007. I told him 2007 would not load on my machine. He said yes he had the same problem but all you have to do is load 2005 and then 2007. You can delete 2005 after the 2007 install. I ask if he could lone me 2005 and as luck would have it he was coming to Versailles in an hour or so. He dropped off the disk, I loaded 2005, then 2007, plugged in the GPS receiver and off it went. It works perfect. You say it was illegal to get the 2005 software from him, I guess it was but only for about five minutes as the 2005 was only on my machine for a short time, then removed. I only used it as a patch. Yes the joys of Vista continues and will keep on repeating time after time. This I’m sure is not the end of the Vista saga…………… jackDemaree