Friday, April 26, 2013
Madison, Indiana - April 1974
Soon after the Depauw tornado lifted, the Hanover/Madison F4 twister formed near Henryville and traveled through Jefferson County and leveled many structures in the small towns of Hanover and Madison. Eleven were killed in this storm while an additional 300 were injured. According to a WHAS-TV Louisville reporter in a special report about the outbreak, 90% of Hanover was destroyed or severely damaged, including the Hanover College campus. Despite the fact that no one was killed or seriously injured at the college, 32 of the College's 33 buildings were damaged, including two that were completely destroyed and six that sustained major structural damage. Hundreds of trees were down, completely blocking every campus road. All utilities were knocked out and communication with those off campus was nearly impossible. Damage to the campus alone was estimated at about US$10 million. In Madison alone where seven of the fatalities took place, about 300 homes were destroyed and the tornado also brushed the community of China causing additional fatalities. The same storm would later strike the Cincinnati area, producing multiple tornadoes including another F5.
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Hanover College,
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Blood Pressure Monitor
With a visit to my doctor I found my blood presser was very high. He recommended I buy a home monitor, keep a record for a week and report back. I'm happy to report with a pill or two my BP is normal. I will keep a watch on it with this easy to use monitor. I bout it at CVS Drug store, but there are many other places to purchase one and at different prices. Nothing beats a doctor visit but a monitor can alert you of a problem......Jack
Easily provides accurate blood pressure readings. Clinically proven accuracy (product using identical technology was tested by unaffiliated researchers). Blood Pressure Monitor Easy 1-touch operation. Automatic blood pressure monitors make monitoring easy. Our Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor accurately determines your blood pressure measurement with just a touch of a button.
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Easily provides accurate blood pressure readings. Clinically proven accuracy (product using identical technology was tested by unaffiliated researchers). Blood Pressure Monitor Easy 1-touch operation. Automatic blood pressure monitors make monitoring easy. Our Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor accurately determines your blood pressure measurement with just a touch of a button.
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Monday, April 22, 2013
If its not broke - don't fix it
I uploaded a video to You Tube today and was made to do this Google thing. Now the video I uploaded is in a separate account. So now it is listed all by it's self and away from all of my other videos. As far as I can see there is no way to combine the two accounts. When trying to fix it, everything I click on leads me round and round. I can not even log into my old account, if I could I could delete the new video and upload it to the old account. I just can't understand why If its not broke - don't fix it..... Jack
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
For Sale: RS-2096 in new condition
Analog / digital receiver
Comes with antenna and power supply.
Programmed for Ripley County and surrounding counties.
Here everything there is to hear, both cars and dispatchers.
Cash or PayPal $299.00
Jack Demaree
Versailles, In.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Robert "Bob" Lazar
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Robert "Bob" Lazar |

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Read about Lazar's Gravity Generator
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Why Cell Phone Networks Fail in Emergencies
Cellular networks in the area almost immediately slowed down and, for periods of time, appeared to stop working altogether. Runners and their loved ones could not connect, and victims had trouble communicating with emergency responders.
Read the full story
Saturday, April 13, 2013
I have not had a virus in two years but tonight broke the running record. I won't go into details on what web site i downloaded from (no it was not a porn site) but it was one that I should not have been looking at. The virus was called "Sirefef.gen !c" and it shuts off your virus protective program and redirects your Firefox and Internet Explorer to - well lets just say undesirable places - It also stops Google Chrome altogether. Malware Bytes would not remove it and I could not run Microsoft Essentials as it was shut off by the virus. I found a removal program from Panda, on another computer, downloaded it to a flash drive then installed it on the infected computer. It run and after 3 restarts the virus was removed. Now I had to remove Microsoft Essentials with add and remove programs from the control panel. I then tried to find the "official Microsoft download site" and this was a challenge because the scammers have invaded Google with their bogus Microsoft pages. I finally found the official page and downloaded / installed the program. It installed fine and now runs like it should again. By the way I will save you some time, here is the correct address.
This process to remove the virus took over an hour and lots of hair pulling. Be careful, The scammers and Malware boys are out to get you. They got me........ Jack
Thursday, April 11, 2013
"Houston we have a problem"
Was 13 unlucky ?
Apollo-13 Launched Saturday, April 11, 1970 at 13:13 CST
Read all about this unlucky flight.
Douglas MacArthur fired by Truman
April 11th, 1951
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Douglas MacArthur |
U.S. President Harry S. Truman relieved General of the Army Douglas MacArthur of his commands for making public statements about the Korean War that contradicted the administration's policies.
Big mistake ...... Jack
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Sunday, April 07, 2013
Jefferson Proving Ground (JPG) Airfield
Everything you ever wanted to know about the JPG Airfield.
Jefferson Proving Ground,
Madison Indiana
Airport UFO sighting
At approximately 16:15 CST on Tuesday November 7, 2006, federal authorities at Chicago O'Hare International Airport received a report that a group of twelve airport employees were witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over Gate C-17.
The object was first spotted by a ramp employee who was pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which was departing Chicago for Charlotte, North Carolina. The employee apprised Flight 446's crew of the object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the pilot and co-pilot also witnessed the object.
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Friday, April 05, 2013
See Space Station from your house
Did you know you can see the International Space Station from your house? As the third brightest object in the sky, after the sun and moon, the space station is easy to see if you know where and when to look for it.
NASA’s Spot the Station service sends you an email or text message a few hours before the space station passes over your house.
Sign up at:
Thursday, April 04, 2013
Photo Pos Pro
I work for a few companies that require photo editing. I know that everyone knows the keyword Photo Shop ($700), but this program is very expensive and complete overkill for most people. I use a program in my work that is no longer available but I found another that is very similar and has a very short and easy learning curve and the best part, "It is free". I take lots of photos and have for some time but even with this experience I can use a photo editor to enhance most. An example would be, a couple in the center but a trash can to the left of them. No problem, just remove the can and replace it with a nice greenish shrub. Lighten, darken or make the sky more blue. .........Jack

See and download it here Click no on all the tool bar junk when you install it.
Thanks John for this tip
Wednesday, April 03, 2013
Ham Radio - what do you talk about ?
I received an email asking, "Just what do you talk about on Ham Radio"? This is a hard question to answer as people are so different. Some are introverts and others are extroverts, it is the same on Ham Radio. Some Hams join in with a group that meet regularly on a certain frequancy, such as 3.910 on the 75 meter band. This would be the same as a group of people meeting at a club or restraint. Then there are the Hams that only work DX (distance) These try to talk to as many countries as possible. The exchange is very short, such as "TA2RD WB9OTX your are 59 Indiana, 73.
An introvert may never speek a word but only type on a computer keyboard. There are many digital modes such as JT65, EME, and others.I have known Hams that after studding for a long time, taking the test and receiving their license never ever keying the transmitter but only listen. I never could understand why they got a license in the first place.
I like to do all facets of our hobby, I do the DX, digital, and just like to have a friendly conversation with others across town or on the other side of the planet. I may ask, where do you work, how many kids do you have, how long have you been on the air, what kind of antenna are you using, and on and on.
So Ham Radio has something for about everyone. By the way if you want to become a Ham there are classes to make it very easy to obtain your ticket. See the RCARC Ham Radio Club page. or the ARRL page. ............ Jack WB9OTX
Martin Cooper makes 1st cell phone call 4/3/73
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Martin Cooper |
On a New York City street, Motorola researcher Martin Cooper made the first public call on a handheld mobile phone. He is considered the "father of the cell phone"
See cellular phone
Read More about him
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