Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Ripley County Scam Alert

Ripley County residents are being warned of a scam involving a local church. Sheriff Tom Grills says an older an and a younger, thin woman have been reported going door-to-door in the Elrod area. They are asking for onetary donations for Hop Baptist Church in Dillsboro. One problem. Hope Baptist Church is denying nvolvement. Grills said the subjects are possibly in a small, red passenger car or a white pickup truck. Anyone who comes in contact with the man and woman are asked to contact the Ripley County Sheriff’s Office as soon as possible, (812) 689-5555.
Space Shuttle Discovery 1st flight August 30, 1984

Space Shuttle Discovery is one of the retired orbiters of the Space Shuttle program and was operational from its maiden flight, STS-41-D on August 30, 1984, until its final landing during STS-133 on March 9, 2011. Discovery has flown more than any other spacecraft having completed 39 successful missions in over 27 years of service.
In 1984, Discovery became the third operational orbiter following Columbia and Challenger, and made its final touchdown at Kennedy Space Center on March 9, 2011 at 10:57:17 CST, having spent a cumulative total of one full year (365 days) in space. Discovery has performed both research and International Space Station (ISS) assembly missions. Discovery also flew the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. Discovery was the first operational shuttle to be retired, followed by Endeavour and Atlantis.
Sound Bites
I have just uploaded hundreds of sound clips in wav format. Most are short and load fast. The Google Chrome Browser works best but Firefox will work also. Microsoft Internet Explorer as always is a mess, So if you can use another browser do so. Some files will not play, I will edit out them as time allows, just hit the back arrow and try the next one you like.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
This is fantastic!
I guarantee if you are an airline person or an aviation buff you will not regret it. Even has sound effects and take-offs and landings! Outstanding!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Hurricane Katrina - Aug 28, 2005

Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic hurricane of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It is the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. Among recorded Atlantic hurricanes, it was the sixth strongest overall. At least 1,836 people died in the actual hurricane and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane; total property damage was estimated at $81 billion (2005 USD), nearly triple the damage wrought by Hurricane Andrew in 1992.
from: wikipedia.org
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012

When I was 12 years old I heard on the news that sputnik had been sent into orbit. I did not find out the transmiting frequency till a few days later. unlike now It was hard to get the technical information, no internet to look up information. I found the transmitting frequency by listing to Ham Radio operators on my Echofone short wave receiver. It was a big topic for the Hams. I tuned the receiver back and forth across the 20 Mhz. band, you see back then there was no digital read out. With the analog tuning dial you never knew the exact frequency you could only get close. I did not have the times the orbit would bring it over head. So many hours were spent listing to static. I only had a 100 foot long wire antenna, not too good for the weak 20 Mhz. signal. A few times I thought I heard the signal, but now I know I did not. Only now I know the sounds it was transmitting by listing to a sound bite from the internet. At any rate it was fun and educational for a 12 year old.

This is a photo of the Echofone receiver I used.
Below is a short clip from wikipedia and a sound bite you can listen to. I do wish I could have heard it back in 1957 but I'm glad to hear it now from a NASA recording. ...... Jack WB9OTX
Sputnik 1 was launched during the International Geophysical Year from Site No.1/5, at the 5th Tyuratam range, in Kazakh SSR (now at the Baikonur Cosmodrome). The satellite travelled at about 18,000 mi per hour, taking 96.2 minutes to complete each orbit. It transmitted on 20.005 and 40.002 MHz which were monitored by amateur radio operators throughout the world. The signals continued for 22 days until the transmitter batteries ran out on 26 October 1957. Sputnik 1 burned up on 4 January 1958, as it fell from orbit upon reentering Earth's atmosphere, after travelling about 37 million miles and spending 3 months in orbit.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Hurricane Andrew - Aug. 24th, 1992

At this time I was receiving weather satellite images direct with home brew parabolic and nondirectional antennas. Dedicated receivers, preamplifiers, and a 1991 DOS computer were fine tuned to receive many images. The image that is what I consider my best was one of Hurricane katrina as it made land fall at the gulf coast. This equipment was retired when the images became available to everyone from the internet. It was a challenge and I was one of the very few to accomplish this feat. What's next? .... Jack WB9OTX
Click the image to enlarge
Read more at wikipedia
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Prevent a burglary

A TV that is left on when you are not at home is one of the best safeguards to prevent a burglary. If you are unsure about leaving your TV on, this may be a good alternative. .... jack
FakeTV makes your home look Occupied
Burglars do not like occupied houses FakeTV is a small electronic device that produces exactly the same sort of light a real television makes. From outside after dusk, it looks like someone must be home watching TV. FakeTV light mimics the effects of scene changes, color shifts, and on-screen motion. FakeTV gives the impression of "people home", and that makes your home an unappealing target for a break in.
See it here
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Ruby Ridge 8/21/1992
I have ask a few people their thoughts about Ruby Ridge and the Waco siege, most all answer what, what's that? If you are one that does not know these terrible stories please take a few minutes to read about them.
It resulted in the death of Weaver's son Sammy, his wife Vicki, their family dog "Striker
Seventy-six people died in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and the sect leader David Koresh.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Providenciales Island (Provo)
I'd like to go back one more time.
The last time I visited Provo I (we) were guests of Bob Cooper, the next time I will stay at Jodi's VP5JM HAMlet. This is a Ham Radio operates dream, featuring very large antennas and radios that are installed and ready to use. I would like to go in Jan. or Feb. If your a Ham and want to tag along please let me know. 812-689-5960
Did you know that
August 21 is the 233rd day of the year. There are 132 days remaining until the end of the year.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Ed W. "Too Tall" Freeman 11/20/27 - 8/20/08

Ed W. "Too Tall" Freeman (November 20, 1927 – August 20, 2008) was a United States Army helicopter pilot who received the U.S. military's highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Battle of Ia Drang during the Vietnam War. During the battle, he flew through gunfire numerous times, bringing supplies to a trapped American battalion and flying dozens of wounded soldiers to safety. Freeman was a wing-man for Major Bruce Crandall who also received the Medal of Honor for the same missions.
Please read more
Friday, August 17, 2012
B-25 Mitchell - 1st flight 8/19/40

First flight of the B-25 Mitchell was August 19, 1940. This was the plane used for the Doolittle Raid over Japan from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet. All planes were lost due to fuel exhaustion, stormy nighttime conditions with zero visibility, and lack of electronic homing aids at the recovery bases. Only one B-25 bomber landed intact; it came down in the Soviet Union, where its five-man crew was interned and the aircraft confiscated. Of the 80 aircrew, 69 survived their historic mission and eventually made it back to American lines.
The Doolittle Raid on 18 April 1942, was the first air raid by the United States to strike the Japanese Home Islands (specifically Honshu) during World War II. By demonstrating that Japan itself was vulnerable to American air attack, it provided a vital morale boost and opportunity for U.S. retaliation after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941. The raid was planned and led by Lieutenant Colonel James "Jimmy" Doolittle, U.S. Army Air Forces.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Kissing the War Goodbye 1945

The best-known kiss that day appeared in V–J day in Times Square, one of the most famous photographs ever published by Life. It was shot on August 14, 1945, shortly after the announcement by President Truman occurred and people began to gather in celebration. Alfred Eisenstaedt went to Times Square to take candid photographs and spotted a sailor who "grabbed something in white. And I stood there, and they kissed. And I snapped five times." Several people have since claimed to be the sailor and nurse.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Will Rogers and Wiley Post die in plane crash

Post and Rogers on August 15, 1935 left Fairbanks, Alaska for Point Barrow. They were a few miles from Point Barrow when they became uncertain of their position in bad weather and landed in a lagoon to ask directions. On takeoff, the engine failed at low altitude, and the aircraft, uncontrollably nose-heavy at low speed, plunged into the lagoon, shearing off the right wing and ending inverted in the shallow water of the lagoon. Both men died instantly.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Les Paul June 9, 1915 – August 13, 2009

Lester William Polsfuss (June 9, 1915 – August 13, 2009) known as Les Paul—was an American jazz, country and blues guitarist, songwriter and inventor. He was the inventor of the solid-body electric guitar which made the sound of rock and roll possible. He is credited with many recording innovations. Although he was not the first to use the technique, his early experiments with overdubbing (also known as sound on sound), delay effects such as tape delay, phasing effects and multitrack recording were among the first to attract widespread attention.
See a video of Les and Mary "How High the Moon"
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Concertina wire from Protection Ks.

Lane Myers Company of Protection, Comanche County, Kansas was the leading supplier of concertina entanglement wire used on U. S. Army Engineer installations worldwide. Concertina wire is basically thick, heavy barbed wire. The barbs are close together and the wire is manufactured to curl, making it unsatisfactory for fencing.
Protection Ks. is the only city with this name in the United States and only with a population of 514. In WWII it produced almost all concertina wire used by the U.S. armed forces. NOTE: I think every soldier in Vietnam also had his own roll of this wire.... jack
Protection also became nationally and internationally known via radio and television in 1955-1956, when the National Polio Foundation chose it as the center for the free distribution of Salk vaccine shots for polio.
Airborne forces

Airborne forces are military units, usually light infantry, set up to be moved by aircraft and 'dropped' into battle. Thus they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning. The formations are limited only by the number and size of their aircraft, so given enough capacity a huge force can appear "out of nowhere" in minutes, an action referred to as vertical envelopment.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Bockscar dropped an atomic bomb named "Fat Man"

9 August 1945
A B-29 bomber called Bockscar dropped an atomic bomb named "Fat Man", devastating Nagasaki, Japan. Bockscar, sometimes called Bock's Car or Bock Gime, is the name of the United States Army Air Forces B-29 bomber that dropped the "Fat Man" nuclear weapon over Nagasaki on 9 August 1945, the second atomic weapon used against Japan. It was assigned to the 393d Bomb Squadron, 509th Composite Group. The name painted on the aircraft after the mission is a pun on "boxcar" after the name of its aircraft commander, Captain Frederick C. Bock.
Note from Jack:
We all remember Col. Paul Tibbets, but what was the pilot's name that dropped the Fat Man bomb? Find out HERE
See a video of a B-29 Shot at Lunken airport near Cincinnati, Oh. a few years ago. The camera was held by the late Denny Retherford and edited by Jack Demaree.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Death of Marilyn Monroe August 5, 1962

Marilyn Monroe was found dead in the bedroom of her Brentwood home by her psychiatrist Ralph Greenson after he was called by Monroe's housekeeper Eunice Murray on August 5, 1962. She was 36 years old at the time of her death. Her death was ruled to be "acute barbiturate poisoning" by Dr. Thomas Noguchi of the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office and listed as "probable suicide". Many individuals, including Jack Clemmons, the first Los Angeles Police Department officer to arrive at the death scene, believe that she was murdered. No murder charges were ever filed. The death of Monroe has since become one of the most debated conspiracy theories of all time.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
Wild Bill Hickok Shot Aug. 2,1876

American lawman Wild Bill Hickok was murdered during a poker game in Deadwood, Dakota Territory. He was shot and killed while playing poker in the Number Ten Saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory (now South Dakota).When shot, Hickock was holding a pair of aces and a pair of eights, all black. The fifth card's identity is debated, or had been discarded and its replacement had not yet been dealt. In 1979, Hickok was inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame.
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