A gloomy overcast morning but the temperature is warm for this date. The sun has settled down slightly with a flux reading of 140. This reading tells me the Ham bands will be good but not great. I have the radio set on 28 Mhz. and see lots of stations coming in from Europe. I will try to contact a few later. I worked a fellow from Iowa last evening that was only using 2 watts of power on JT65HF mode. Yesterday I tightened up some of the hardware on my moon bounce antennas that had loosened up with the wind we have had for the past few days. I had wanted to take down the array for the winter, but its not going to happen. It is a big job that I can't do by myself. We will see if the wind and ice do it in this Winter. I talked to Mike (k9mdc) from Greensburg this morning. He has installed an antenna that I had suggested. He likes it and tells me it works on the bands 75 through 10 meters. I will put together one for field day next June. I have a best friend in the hospital and I am hoping he is doing better. I received a report yesterday and it was not good. I wish I could do something to get him back to normal. He was one of the fellows I eat biscuts and gravy with each Saturday morning, I am hoping he can rejoin us soon. My wife Betty got a new I-phone and after a glitch with the SIM card it is now working fine. She also received a new Kindle Fire from Amazon. This little jewel is fantastic. I have it on the "N" network wifi system here at home. It is $200 but this is much less than the tablet computers costing about $500. It has internet and email for free and also features all the Kindle books and movies. I don't know why you would want to watch a movie on the tiny screen it has, but to each his own. If you are not near a public wifi it will still connect but it will draw from your data plan. One draw back it looks to me if you would drop it to a hard surface it would be all over. I checked on a case but found them very costly. She will have to be careful with it. I see that Natalie Wood is all over the news. One of my favorite movies was "Inside Daisy Clover" and I haven't seen it for years. I have hundreds of DVD movies but it is not one of them. I looked online to see if I could buy it and I could but the price was too much for me. I will see if I can find it from one of my geeky comrades. Anyone out there have it ?? I did want to tell you about the wonderful program South Ripley students produced for the many Veterans that attended on November 11th. A very well prepared breakfast was enjoyed before the program. A big thank you goes out to the students and staff. ......... Jack