I just ran across a handy service called senduit, What you do is go to the page, browse for your file on your hard drive (100 MB limit), set the expiration time (30 minutes to 1 week) and hit UPLOAD. The site generates a URL for your file, which you send to whomever via email where they can download it from the sent URL. When the file expires, it goes away from the server forever.
I have been using "You Send It" but I like this un-bloated one better.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Vista - Laugh of the Day

Today I boot up and a balloon pops up and tells me I have an illegal copy of Windows installed on my computer . I guess Compaq or Staples is ripping off Bill. (not) I will let you know the outcome after I call Microsoft or HP. Stay tuned, as I'm sure it is going to be a good one.
Illegal Vista OS
I desided to call HP / Compaq to see what they say about the illegal Vista OS. After speaking to their computer with pretty good voice recognition I was connected to a very hard to understand low audio speaking young lady. She ask several questions about the computer (that I had to have repeated several times) then took control of the computer. She made several changes & had me reboot the machine. After the reboot I did not receive the message telling of the OS was illegal. She tried to sell me an extended warrenty but I declined the offer as it was $139.00, this was 1/4 the price paid when purchased when new. (too much) I hung up the phone and rebooted again. After opening thr FireFox browser the computer locked up. I had to shut it off with the power button. I restarted and now I am typing this paragraph in NotePad getting ready to send it to the Blog. I will now save it just incase it locks up again. I opened FireFox again and now pasting and typing to the blog. All seems fine so maybe it is fixed. I will tell you I am impressed with HP's customer service as I have called them two time now and they seem to fix the problem and the wait time is short. Till next time - Stay tuned for the next episode of the Vista nightmare !
The saga continues
I was out for one hour but when I returned The balloon was on the screen informing me of the illegal copy of Windows installed on my computer. I called HP again and was told all I had to do was validate Vista. I was given a phone number to Microsoft. I called the 800 number and stayed on hold for about 10 minutes. A fellow with a very hard accent wanted to know my full name, phone number, then my email address. After saying could you repeat that about 20 times I tryed to tell him I wanted to activate Vista. He transferred me to some nice music for a few minutes then came another person I could not understand. I had to go threw the complete thing as before, then he ask what could he help me with today. I told him I just wanted to activate Vista then he told me he would transfer my call so I could do that. BE Bop tones sounded and I was disconnected. I called back and went threw all the name phone number and email address again. I was then transferred to another department that ask all the same questions again. At last I thought I had a young lady that could help me, but no she said she did not do Vista. Enough is enough, I went to the old stand by Google and started searching for my problem. On the second page I found the answer. Another fellow had posted the same problem and below was the answer ! I installed a firewall a few days ago just like he did. It is not compatible with Vista, and when un-installed the problem was fixed.......... I think.... So far. I wasted two hours on the phone and got nowhere with the people that should have had the answers. To end this mess I just want to say I thought the OS Microsoft "ME" was bad, it don't hold a candle to this thing called Vista. Do not load Vista till you are forced into it.

Halloween, or Hallowe'en, is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, Halloween festivals, bonfires, costume parties, visiting "haunted houses", carving jack-o-lanterns, and viewing horror films. Halloween originated from the Pagan festival Samhain, celebrated among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain[citation needed]. Irish and Scottish immigrants carried versions of the tradition to North America in the nineteenth century. Other western countries embraced the holiday in the late twentieth century. Halloween is now celebrated in several parts of the western world, most commonly in Ireland, the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom and occasionally in parts of Australia and New Zealand.
Copied from Wikipedia encyclopedia
Halloween Pumpkin Carving
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The Real Truth about Vista
If you have Vista now or just thinking about getting it, You need to watch this very well done video.
"Help I'm Crashing & I Can't Boot Up"!
"Help I'm Crashing & I Can't Boot Up"!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Spam Problem - Help -
I am getting tons of spam. Is there a way to delete it before I download it to my mail program ?
Thank you, Jim B.
Email Remover can save you the trouble of downloading unwanted email. It connects to your ISP and retrieves mail header information (sender, subject, date, etc.), letting you pick mail you don't want to receive and deleting it from the mail server. It will optionally run your regular email client when it's done so that you can transfer and read the mail you do want. Email Remover is a handy little spam blocker in the never-ending battle against spam -- and it's free!.
User Name: Beta User Key a3
Key: L8pblBN7wdXrCA
(case sensitive)
Another Remover that I use myself is "G-Lock SpamCombat"
This program may be overkill for some but I get hundreds of spam emails every day and it is a real time saver. Download it from:
If you need a free email account and spam filter combined get a G-Mail account for free. The spam filter works almost flawlessly. Give it a try at:
I hope this helps with your spam problem that we all have.
I am getting tons of spam. Is there a way to delete it before I download it to my mail program ?
Thank you, Jim B.
Email Remover can save you the trouble of downloading unwanted email. It connects to your ISP and retrieves mail header information (sender, subject, date, etc.), letting you pick mail you don't want to receive and deleting it from the mail server. It will optionally run your regular email client when it's done so that you can transfer and read the mail you do want. Email Remover is a handy little spam blocker in the never-ending battle against spam -- and it's free!.
User Name: Beta User Key a3
Key: L8pblBN7wdXrCA
(case sensitive)
Another Remover that I use myself is "G-Lock SpamCombat"
This program may be overkill for some but I get hundreds of spam emails every day and it is a real time saver. Download it from:
If you need a free email account and spam filter combined get a G-Mail account for free. The spam filter works almost flawlessly. Give it a try at:
I hope this helps with your spam problem that we all have.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
DPHOTO, Store & View 100 photos free
Wouldn’t it be great if you could bring atmosphere to your photo galleries? These galleries may be online instead of at a physical location, but the presentation can still be impressive. DPHOTO enables you to create slick picture galleries with your photos.
There are three account types that you can choose from on DPHOTO, but thankfully, even the free version doesn’t contain ads. Photo importing and management is simple, and instead of receiving some complicated URL for your gallery to share with your friends, you’ll get a simple and personalized address. When you move up the account chain, you’ll gain access to features such as storage and backup of your original photos and extended file format support.
See the photos I have on file at:
There are three account types that you can choose from on DPHOTO, but thankfully, even the free version doesn’t contain ads. Photo importing and management is simple, and instead of receiving some complicated URL for your gallery to share with your friends, you’ll get a simple and personalized address. When you move up the account chain, you’ll gain access to features such as storage and backup of your original photos and extended file format support.
See the photos I have on file at:
Infinite Password Generator
Infinite Password Generator will make any number of different passwords for your use at websites and applications. Using only a Master Password which you need to remember and a keyword of your choice, you can use different passwords for every websites without remembering them all.
The algorithm will make sure that no one can get the Master Password using the generated password. It uses MD5. The specifications of password generation method is provided so that you needn't to worry about hidden tricks.
It is easy to use and utilizes many keyboard shortcuts to make the generating process very simple and straightforward. You can also customize the password generated whether including letters (uppercase and/or lowercase), numbers, and/or symbols.
Just a very simple application that will make you free from stressful passwords.
The installation procedure is very simple and takes less than a minute. Just double-click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
No need to register, this program is completely FREE, contains no advertisement and is not a spyware.
The algorithm will make sure that no one can get the Master Password using the generated password. It uses MD5. The specifications of password generation method is provided so that you needn't to worry about hidden tricks.
It is easy to use and utilizes many keyboard shortcuts to make the generating process very simple and straightforward. You can also customize the password generated whether including letters (uppercase and/or lowercase), numbers, and/or symbols.
Just a very simple application that will make you free from stressful passwords.
The installation procedure is very simple and takes less than a minute. Just double-click on the downloaded file and follow the instructions.
No need to register, this program is completely FREE, contains no advertisement and is not a spyware.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Foxit PDF Reader
This free utility lets you view PDF files, and edit any of the text they contain.
Are you tired of Adobe Reader hogging almost 23MB of your disk space, always phoning home for updates, and not providing such swift performance? (Browse to ?Before They Spoiled the Software? at find.pcworld.com/58949 for details.) Make the switch to Foxit Reader, a willowy, 2MB download that?s fast, free, and more versatile than Adobe?s bloatware. For instance, with Foxit you can annotate a PDF with text or graphics, and save the PDF forms you fill out.
--Steve Bass
Above articale from PC World
Are you tired of Adobe Reader hogging almost 23MB of your disk space, always phoning home for updates, and not providing such swift performance? (Browse to ?Before They Spoiled the Software? at find.pcworld.com/58949 for details.) Make the switch to Foxit Reader, a willowy, 2MB download that?s fast, free, and more versatile than Adobe?s bloatware. For instance, with Foxit you can annotate a PDF with text or graphics, and save the PDF forms you fill out.
--Steve Bass
Above articale from PC World
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Old Music

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Martin "Marty" F. Conatser, National Legion Commander

Today A fellow member of the Versailles American Legion and myself will travel to Seymour Indiana to attend a short meeting at their Post #89. The guest speaker will be Martin "Marty" F. Conatser, our National Commander. This is quite an honor for a small post. Last year the 2006 National Commander, Paul Morin, spoke at the the Versailles post #173. I was there and snapped a few photos that you can see at:
I'll have my camera ready today to get a few photos. I'll post the good ones, Stay tuned ........
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Up-Date <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The photo taking was held to a minimum but I did capture this one of Martin Conatser (left) and our Versailles Post past commander Mr. Frank Braley. A short program and fine dinner was served. Commander Conatser spoke of the many programs the Legion provides for local and national alike.

Click photo to enlarge
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Verizon nightmare resolved
I returned to the home of the young lady who was having slow download speeds and mail problems with Verizon DSL. To sum up, the download speed is up where it should be now, but the Windows mail still would not receive mail. I changed a few settings but it still would not download. I told her she could use the browser to read her mail from the Verizon Web Page, but this was not a fix. I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my mail cliant and decided to download and install it just to see if it would work. After the install and set-up it worked perfect. So I ran her threw the basics on how to use it and home I came. This was the fault of Vista or the Microsoft Mail program, not sure of the problem but Thunderbird was the work around. Don't install Vista till you must !
Monday, October 08, 2007
Columbus Day is a holiday

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Observed by the Americas, Spain
Type Historical
Significance A celebration honoring Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the Americas in 1492
Date second Monday in October (USA); - Banks, Post Office, & court Houses are closed, save yourself a trip !
Photo from this page
October 12 (actual/traditional)
2007 date October 8 (USA)
Columbus Day is a holiday celebrating the anniversary of the October 12, 1492 arrival of Christopher Columbus to the Americas. Similar holidays, celebrated as Día de la Raza (Day of the Race) in many countries in Latin America, Día de las Culturas (Day of the Cultures) in Costa Rica, Discovery Day in the Bahamas, Día de la Hispanidad in Spain, and the newly-renamed (as of 2002) Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) in Venezuela, commemorate the same event.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Blogger Play Shows Random Photos

Blogger Play is the name of a new service by Google's blogging platform. It shows random photos from recently published blog posts in the form of a slideshow. (Note the photos are not always safe for kids), as they're random. Google says they're applying SafeSearch, but there's still nudity sometimes. I have watched the photos zoom by for several minutes and never seen any photo that was out of the way. Clicking on an individual picture takes you to the blog post in question in a new window or tab and pauses the slideshow. Try this new Google gadget, It is a real time waster that you will love.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Jammie Thomas found guilty fined $220,000

RIAA wins key victory, accused file sharer must pay $220,000
A Minnesota woman must pay $220,000 to six of the top music labels after a federal jury found that violated their copyright.
Read the full scoop at:
Do you or your kids download copyrighted music ? Do you have $220,000 ? If you don't they / you better quit !
Hear what Chris Pirillo says:
Real Audio won't play - but now it will
I have a Web Page that has Real Audio files for you to listen to. I found after trying to play these files with my new computer that uses Vista for the operating system, no player would play them. Off to google to search for a player. One was found that was supposed to play anything. It is called "VideoLAN - VLC media player free for the taking and highly recommended. I downloaded the program and installed it. It is a very nice player for about any audio or video file, that is except Real Audio (RA). I remembered in my collection of software I had a very old copy of Real Audio hiding out in my closet. I dug it out but it was on floppy. Big problem, new computers do not have floppy drives any longer. Rather than trying to convert the floppy to CD I remembered a Web Page that I have used many times in the past called "oldversion.com". I used their search engine to locate Real Audio and up came about six old versions. I picked the oldest one hoping it would run OK on Vista. The download finished, then came the install, I ran the program then loaded the RA files and 1 2 3 pouf it played perfect. You say why didn't you just go to Real Audio's Web page to download it from there as it is free? I do not like all the extra bells and whistles that come with the new one. I only want to play RA files and not anything else with this player. So now I'm happy that indeed it will work with Vista. Old sometimes is much better. Do you like 50 & 60s music ? I think Its better too.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
"Sputnik" Happy 50th Birthday Oct 4, 1957

The Sputnik program was a series of unmanned space missions launched by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s to demonstrate the viability of artificial satellites for exploring the upper atmosphere as part of the International Geophysical Year. It included Sputnik 1, the first man-made object to orbit earth. The Russian name "Спутник" means literally "co-traveler" or "traveling companion" or "satellite". The R-7 launch vehicle was designed to carry nuclear warheads.
Read more at:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
ComCast Email (not)
Another half hour was spent listening mostly to elevator music this morning. I spent one hour two weeks ago also. My problem is with my mail being blocked to any ComCast customer. Comcast bounces my mail back as soon as I send it because their spam filter flags my emails as spam. Why ? I do not have a clue and neither do they. This problem appeared about four or five months ago and still comcast can not seem to fix it or even tell me why it is flagging my emails as spam. Gee, I can't even email my wife unless I use G-Mail. Comcast tells me they will call me back in three days but it seems they have a different calendar than mine as three days never seems to come. I wait a week then call them back and it is the same answer, "we will send this to another department and they will call you back". I worked 27 years for a company that told me from day one "we only sell service and when we stop giving service we are out of business". ComCast should adhere to this phase or they will nolonger have a business to call you back.People will finally stop using the ComCast service if it dose not improve. It is my advice to have a back-up email service and a good one is Gmail, try it you'll like it.
Update (a week later)
ComCast emailed me at all of my email accounts (3 total) and told me someone was sending Spam from my accounts. They gave me another outgoing port and also told me to run a virus scan to remove the virus that was sending the spam out. No virus was found on any of my computers, 7 total. I changed the port and for the last two days my mail is going out as it should. (knock on wood)
Update (a week later)
ComCast emailed me at all of my email accounts (3 total) and told me someone was sending Spam from my accounts. They gave me another outgoing port and also told me to run a virus scan to remove the virus that was sending the spam out. No virus was found on any of my computers, 7 total. I changed the port and for the last two days my mail is going out as it should. (knock on wood)
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