"Ajacks' I Don't Know Why, I just do"
I don't know why I post this stuff as I have found in the past no one wants to read it, But what the heck,I'm do'in it anyway. I'll be posting some hints & fixes and some links that I find interesting. Typos and spelling errors just go with this Blog, So get over it ! Please bookmark this Blog for future use. (ctrl D)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
VJ Day - August 15, 1945
On August 6, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Late in the evening of August 8, the Soviet Union, in accordance with Yalta agreements, but in violation of the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact, declared war on Japan, and soon after midnight on August 9, invaded the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo. Later on August 9, the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. The combined shock of these events caused Emperor Hirohito to intervene and order the Big Six to accept the terms for ending the war that the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Hirohito gave a recorded radio address to the nation on August 15. In the radio address, called the Gyokuon-ho-so- (Jewel Voice Broadcast), he read the Imperial Rescript on surrender, announcing to the Japanese populace the surrender of Japan. Read the full story
I attended Versailles, Indiana grade and high school
I was considered the class clown and was voted most
likely to not succeed. I spent most of the school time
in the study hall. I obtained my diploma from the army
(GED) later the school sent me a diploma. I enlisted
in several electronic classes at the Vocational school
at Versailles. I have a home based business of computer
repair and I do HTML language creating web pages for
local businesses. I edit photos and create video
presentations. I have been an Amateur Radio Operator
for over 50 plus years. I am proficient, sending and
receiving, international Morse code. I have several
beacon transmitters that are heard world wide and are
operated 24 - 7. I have conducted hundreds of radio
telephone patches allowing displaced military,
missionaries, and Nation Science Foundation groups
located at the South Pole. I have relayed emergency
messages to the State Dept from ships at sea. I am an
Viet Nam-era army veteran. I did institution on military
explosives while stationed at Ft. Ord, Ca. I worked
twenty-seven years for United Parcel Service and retired.
I have been married to my wife Betty for over 54 years.
I am a member of the American Legion, NRA, and the American
Radio Relay League (ARRL). I think I've done OK, What
do you think ...... Jack Demaree