Dove Flight™, an emergency medical helicopter service, provides high-level critical care and rapid transportation. A helicopter can be in flight within minutes of the dispatch call, 24 hours a day, everyday. Dove Flight™ flies within a 150-mile radius of its bases. Stretching from border to border, Dove Flight™ serves the entire state of Indiana as well as many surrounding states.Because of the quick response times, rapid transport, and availability, thousands of lives can be saved by the utilization of air medical services. While trauma and motor vehicle crashes that require helicopter transport capture headlines, a large number of patients are moved from rural hospitals to major medical centers for high-level medical care. Dove Flight™ transports patients between medical centers, regardless of the referring or receiving location. Patients at the scene of a trauma or accident are transported to the nearest Level 1 Trauma Center. About 40 percent of Dove Flight™ transports are trauma patients, 50 percent are cardiac patients, five percent are pediatric, and the rest have various medical conditions.
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