I obtained a new pan and tilt camera that I started to install yesterday afternoon and then the nightmare started. I have 5 computers, 1 X-box, 1 music/video server, 6 cameras, 1 access point, 1 router, 1 security system DVR, 1 cable modem, and 3 network switchs. All work within and in conjunction with my home network. Most are pass worded to keep the hackers out. Most use the same password and username, so why could I not log into my router???? After trying every password I have used in the past I gave up after 2 hours. I reset the router with the famous push of the paper clip. The act erases all the critical settings that I had stored making everything work, and pouf there gone. But now at 3pm the next day I have reconfigured all the settings and plugged in all the numbers that makes it go. Please see my new camera and give it a test drive. Pan and tilt is for you to just look around my radio/computer room.
Best to use Internet Explorer (IE) but it will work with FireFox. (kinda)
Use Username guest
Use Password guest
then click "Broadband"
A few people have stated that they can't find the link. You should clear the cache in your browser. Find out how.