The times they are a-changin’, and come this weekend many Indiana readers will face the dreaded Daylight Savings Time for the first time. Since most of their computers are set to the Indiana East time zone (thoughtfully provided by Microsoft, since Indiana has until now avoided the semi-annual ritual) their clocks will be off Sunday morning, causing an unwarranted amount of consternation I’m sure.
it’s a simple thing to prepare now and avoid any lag-time in your time.
Every version of Windows from 95 on features the current time (more or less) displayed in the System Tray in the lower right corner of the screen. Double click the time and you’ll get the Date and Time Properties dialog box. Here you can adjust the actual time as well as change the date (very seldom necessary) AND change the time zone in which you reside.
It varies among the different versions but all are pretty straightforward. Instructions for 98, XP and Server 2003 are as follows:
98: Double click the time. In the dialog box adjust the time if needed, then at the bottom of the window change the time zone to Eastern Time and check the box next to Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes. Click Apply and OK.
XP : Double click the time. In the dialog box adjust the time if needed then click the Time Zone tab. Change the Time Zone to Eastern and the Automatically adjust clock box will appear at the bottom of the window. Check it and click Apply and OK.
If you make that change now your Sunday (or Monday) morning will be problem free. You’ll be presented with a new dialog box when you first fire up the PC advising you that your clock has been adjusted for daylight savings. Click OK and your job is done. At least until October.
Copied from GuruNews