X1M SSB CW 4 watt xceiver |
The postman dropped off this little QRP rig today about noon. I had to solder the power connector on witch took about 15 minutes, I put an adapter on the BNC antenna receptacle so I could use a PL259. I flipped the power on and the internal speaker came to life. I got a stiff neck bobbing my head to focus my bifocals in on the very small LED menu. Its going to take a few days to remember all the menu ajustments. The first contact was to a station in So. Dakota on the 20 meter SSB band, my report was 44. The second contact was on 75 meters and the guys couldn't get over how good I sounded with only 4 watts of power. I was running S8 to 9 with good audio. I called CQ on the 20 meter QRP frequency but received no replies. Tomorrow is another day and I can't wait for 15 & 10 to open up. I'm going to build a portable antenna for 40 and 20, also a small nicad battery pack to operate portable back packing. I can run 1500 watts with other radios I have but I get a bigger kick out of the flea power this little radio puts out..... Jack WB9OTX
Flash: 10/20/13 Ten meters was open today. I worked about 12 or 15 stations all over Europe. I am getting more proficient with the menu commands now. A great fun radio, I love it !!