Here are the latest accusations toward me. (Jonathan "jack" Demaree WB9OTX) The below statements were sent to the Indiana Attorney General. I will reply to each accusation in italic text.
Mr. Jonathan W. Demaree has been a paid member in years past and has always demanded his dues to be refunded back to him within a month or so after he joined.
I have never demanded a refund of dues. I have only been a member two times, at the beginning and once later in years. Mr. Dan Mulford, when president, refunded my dues one time but I did not ask him to do this. I think it was more of an eviction rather than a refund.
Mr. Demaree has made derogatory remarks over our frequencies many times regarding members and operation of the RCRA and also several Ripley County organizations, including mentioning specific names at times. This behavior does not comply with the standing operating procedures specified in our clubs bi-laws, nor with the FCC rules and regulations, Part 97. In addition, Mr. Demaree has in the past tied up our frequencies as a non-member for hours making it difficult for emergency traffic to get through.
I ask Mr. Dave Rayner what the EMA was doing while the heavy snow and power outage was taking place. Rayner replied, "nothing that he knew of". I said once "don't get sick in Milan as the rescue is not very dependable". If you have a scanner you know this to be true". I have never violated FCC rules while using any 144, 220, or 440 frequencies. This is a fact stated by the RCRA repeater trustee. I did transmit out of band when I was a novice, This was 35 years ago and I did receive a warning letter from the FCC. This was before the RCRA was even formed. I would think the RCRA should read FCC part 97 closer, and when they do, they will not find any violation committed by me. They state I have tied up their frequencies for hours as a non-member. If the repeater is an open repeater non-members are welcome and allowed to use the repeaters. Others use the repeater for long periods as well, are they punished, no. They furthermore state I made it difficult for emergency traffic to get through. I always left a gap after the courtesy beep so others could join the conversation. I have never ever heard emergency traffic on the RCRA repeaters, but I can show you many certificates I have been awarded for assisting with emergencies in the past, none of witch took place using the RCRA repeaters, so I do understand emergencies. Ham Radio is provided by the FCC so Ham Radio operators can talk to other Ham Radio operators and as far as Part 97, there is no time limit other than you must transmit your assigned call sign every 10 minutes, and I always did. I have ask the RCRA to provide me with quotes or recordings of what they find so offensive or illegal. They have not complied to this request.
Mr. Demaree has contacted the following agencies such as: Ripley County Commissioners, Ripley County Emergency Management agency, Ripley County Council members, WRBI Radio Station (whose tower houses our 2-meter repeater) with various complaints in an attempt to ban us from operations in Ripley County.
Ripley County Commissioners were contacted by letter. I ask them to explain to me why the RCRA can use a public building, that as a tax payer I help pay for, to conduct closed to RCRA members only. The public is not allowed to attend. No reply was received. Ripley County Emergency Management agency was contacted by letter. I informed them of FCC non-type acceptance radios that were being used by EMA members. This had nothing to do with the RCRA, their name was never entered in the letter. No reply was received. Ripley County Council members was never contacted by me at any time. Mr. Green of WRBI radio was sent two letters to inform him of the repeater being closed to all but RCRA members. I just thought he should be aware of the RCRA decision. I thanked him for his generosity, but It should extend to all living within Ripley County, not just a few. No reply to either letter was received. I have never tried to ban the RCRA from operations at any time. I would have nothing to gain for this action.
In summary, it is for all these reasons (especially in paragraph #3) that Mr. Demaree has been sent a letter to refrain from using all RCRA repeaters, as permitted by the FCC. This is in compliance with FCC rules and regulations, Part 97. A copy of the letter that was sent to Mr. Demaree is included. Also included is an actual letter from the FCC regarding a situation similar to our club's situation with Mr. Demaree. Sincerely, Mr. David Stoneking - President/Trustee for RCRA ..... and he signed it
A telephone conversation (that I have a recording of) with an FCC lawyer telling me the letter I received from the RCRA was not proper and I could disregard it. Another point of interest, I do not have radio equipment that will transmit on any of the repeaters. I have been falsely accused of interfering (QRMing) the RCRA members, not so, I don't have the means to do so.
One of my favorite quotes from an unknown: "People that live in glass houses should not throw rocks".
Countless times Mr. Stoneking has accused me of wrong doing directed toward the RCRA, the statements can be proven false or untrue. He has claimed that he has recordings and witnesses but can never produce them. I would like to bring charges to Mr. Stoneking and the RCRA, but my lawyer has advised me it is legal and lawful to lie, nothing can be done in a court of law.
My complaint had nothing to do with myself not allowed to use RCRA repeaters. My complaint was the RCRA was in my opinion discriminating toward Ham operators inside Ripley County that are not members of the RCRA. Their reply did not address this at all. The RCRA posted on their Web page a paragraph that led me to believe this. It is posted here:
“The 146.805 Ripley County Repeater Associations repeater is an "open" repeater system to all travelers and visitors who are amateur radio operators and live outside of Ripley County Indiana as well as all members of the Ripley County Repeater Association anytime day, night, Sunday night nets, weather nets, official emergencies and/or disasters. The 146.805 repeater remains a "closed" repeater to all non-members of the Ripley County Repeater Association except for Sunday night nets and/or weather nets when non members from any location may participate”.
The below short story is a very good example of what can be done to misrepresent the facts. The facts are stated but it is told to degrade the subject.
A man is walking through the zoo when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to devour her right in front the little girl's screaming parents.
The man runs to the cage, hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch. Whimpering from the pain, the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the man returns her to her terrified parents.
A reporter has seen the whole scene and says to the rescuer: 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life.'
'Why, it was nothing,' said the man. 'Really, the lion was behind bars and I knew God would protect me just as He did Daniel in the lions den long, long ago. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt was right.'
'I noticed a bible in your pocket, are you a Republican,' asked the journalist.
'Yes, and I'm a Christian on my way to a bible study,' the man replies.
'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed... I'm a journalist and tomorrow's paper will have this on the front page.'
The journalist leaves. The following morning the man buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on first page:
'Right Wing Republican Christian Fundamentalist Assaults African Immigrant and Steals His lunch.'
Saturday, May 31, 2008
New photos in Just A FewFriends album
Lots of new photos have been added to the "Just a few friends album" at:
If you have a photo you would like to have here send it to me for posting. Send it to:
If you have a photo you would like to have here send it to me for posting. Send it to:
Friday, May 30, 2008
World War II Memorial

May 30th 2004 - The World War II Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C. Read the full article at:
I hope one day to see this Memorial.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a United States Federal Holiday that is observed on the last Monday of May (observed in 2008 on May 26). It was formerly known as Decoration Day. This holiday commemorates U.S. men and women who have died in military service to their country. It began first to honor Union soldiers who died during the American Civil War. After World War I, it was expanded to include those who died in any war or military action. One of the longest standing traditions is the running of the Indianapolis 500, which has been held in conjunction with Memorial Day since 1911. It is also traditionally viewed as the beginning of summer by many, since many schools are dismissed around Memorial Day. From:
Each Memorial Day starting at 10am services are held at Cliff Hill Cemetery, Versailles, Indiana. Veterans march from the Legion Post to the grave yard for a short service. A 21 gun salute is performed at the graveyard then at the Veterans memorial monument at the Versailles town square. See a short video of the service at Ciff Hill 2007.
Here are a few photos of this years activities (2008) More to be added on Monday.
See a slide show of the Versailles Legion (2007) of the days events:
See a slide show of Ripley County's most decorated veteran, Mr. Herman W. Jahnigen (1918 - 2005):
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Lindbergh lands in Paris 21 May 1927

The Spirit of St. Louis (Registration: N-X-211) is a custom-built single engine, single seat monoplane flown by Charles Lindbergh on the first non-stop solo transatlantic flight from New York to Paris on 20 May and 21 May 1927, for which Lindbergh won the $25,000 Orteig Prize. Lindbergh took off from Roosevelt Airfield, Garden City (Long Island), New York and landed at the Le Bourget Aerodrome in Paris, France in a flight lasting 33 hours, 30 minutes and 29.8 seconds.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Wanta buy a bus ?

I spent most of the morning creating a Web page for Paul Morris, owner of Bosch Lights. Paul has a travel coach for sale and wanted to promote it via the internet. Paul placed an ad in a trade paper just stating it was for sale and the Web address (URL) saving lots of advertising costs to the trade paper. See the advertisement at:
Read the Specifications at:
or click Specifications from the the photo page.
Boschlights has been a great customer of mine for many years, If you need his products please give him a click or call.
Battle Hymn Of The Republic (a must see)
If you missed hearing the US Army Band and Chorus welcome Pope Benedict XVI at the White House Rose Garden ceremony on 15 April, get a load of these high school kids. One of the fathers recorded it, added some graphic enhancements to the recording, and posted it on the web. The song, of course, is the 'Battle Hymn Of The Republic.' You may want to press the 'F11' key OR your maximize icon after the performance starts, to get a full-screen effect. Give it time to load, its worth it. Brodband probably needed. Now, click below!
Thanks to Ken A. for this link.
Thanks to Ken A. for this link.
Mount St. Helens - May 18,1980

May 18,1980 – The volcano Mount St. Helens erupted (pictured), killing 57 people in southern Washington State, reducing hundreds of square miles to wasteland, and causing over a billion U.S. dollars in damages. = Read more at:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
AVG Free will still be free
I recently was told that AVG free 7.5 would not work after May, is this true ? Thank you, Bob S.
Updates for your current AVG free will not be available after May 2008. AVG 7.5 is being replaced by AVG 8.0 and you will need to upgrade to stay Safe. Of course, AVG would love for you to buy the paid version of their product. However, a free version will still exists at:
I would uninstall AVG 7.5, reboot the PC, and then install the free version 8. Please let me know if you have any difficulties. AVG is one of the best and I highly recomind it. Thank you for your question. ..... jack
I recently was told that AVG free 7.5 would not work after May, is this true ? Thank you, Bob S.
Updates for your current AVG free will not be available after May 2008. AVG 7.5 is being replaced by AVG 8.0 and you will need to upgrade to stay Safe. Of course, AVG would love for you to buy the paid version of their product. However, a free version will still exists at:
I would uninstall AVG 7.5, reboot the PC, and then install the free version 8. Please let me know if you have any difficulties. AVG is one of the best and I highly recomind it. Thank you for your question. ..... jack
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Flip Video Recorder

I'm a sucker for any new device that I may find fun. A trip to Wal-Mart was my downfall today. I came home with a Flip Video recorder. It is small, easy to use, and the video it produces is above average . I did find if you buy it online it is a wee bit lower in cost, but if you know me, I can't wait. It comes in colors and being a big tough guy I passed up the pink and got the black one. It will record either one hour or one half hour depending on the model you choose. The one I bought was the 1/2 hour model. It comes with light or trial software that is pretty poor, but you really don't need it as you can copy your master piece from the camera then edit or play it with about any AVI compatible software. A rookie may want to use the provided software though. I would advise you to buy a USB extension cable as the stubby USB connection could break off very easily. I have only shot a few test movies inside the house, but in the morning I will shoot a few outside. I think I'm going to like this gadget for YouTube and eBay productions. Read more at:
I'll post a video in the morning so you can have a look see - and here it is:
See all of my videos at:
Saturday, May 10, 2008
IRS Stimulus Payment Phishing Scam
I have received several emails wanting me to click a link that should lead me to the IRS then inform me when I will receive my check. This is a phishing scam to collect your personal information that will include your social security number, birth date, and perhaps bank routing information. This Web site looks very perfeshinal and would appear to be from the IRS. Don't be fooled, it is a scam, the IRS will never request your social security number via email. Think ! before you enter any of your personal information into any web form or page. The IRS does not send out unsolicited e-mail messages, warnings or request for your information, so unless you are actively working with someone at the IRS, you should assume that anything claiming to be from the IRS is bogus. The best bet is just never ever do it. Other scams include eBay, PayPal, Banks, Western Union, and on and on. Just say no and do not click. More information here.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Its not if - Its when
When a customer drops off a computer and it is hopelessly crashed the only thing I can do is re-format the drive and reload the operating system. Most times all data, pictures, documents, and everything else is lost. You can prevent this by backing up your files, but no one seems to do this. There are many ways to back up, weather it be to DVD/CD, flash drive, or floppy. A new way is on an external hard drive. Staples has a sale on now of the best system I have seen. It is the Maxtor OneTouch 4. This is a USB connected hard drive with software that makes a daily back up of the files you choose or the complete system. I would highly advise anyone with files that you do not want to loose buy one of these. Why? because it is a no brainier, Set it up and forget about it. You will not loose you files when the crash comes and believe me it will. It sells for less than $100 and is a great safeguard. See it here:
From Seagate/Maxtor page:
Maxtor OneTouch 4
Sometimes the simplest backup solution is the best. With the Maxtor OneTouch 4 external hard drive, protecting all your photos, videos, music, and data files is as easy as one touch of the button. The simple software makes it easy to backup files automatically, manage power or utilities, and restore backup data if needed. For those who want to keep safe all that defines you - all that you capture, share, and create - this simple storage solution is ideal for the PC and Mac home user. And with a Maxtor OneTouch 4 external drive you can keep all your digital memories in one safe, convenient place, onsite where you need it most.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
May 5th

Most people don't know that back in 1912, Hellmann's Mayonnaise was manufactured in England . In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico , which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York .
This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico . But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York . The ship hit an iceberg and sank, and the cargo was forever lost.
The people of Mexico , who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of mourning, which they still observe to this day.
The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5th and is known, of course, as Sinko de Mayo.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Shepard travels into outer space

May 5th 1961 – Project Mercury: Aboard the American spacecraft Freedom 7, astronaut Alan Shepard (pictured) made a sub-orbital flight, becoming the second person to travel into outer space after Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Alan Bartlett Shepard, Jr. (November 18, 1923 – July 21, 1998) (Rear Admiral, USN, Ret.) was the second person and the first American in space. He later commanded the Apollo 14 mission, and was the fifth person to walk on the moon. He was also one of many famous descendants of Mayflower passenger
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