A 24-hour worldwide contest will take place this weekend Jun 25 -26, as ham radio operators take to the air in the American Radio Relay League's annual field day. The goal is to contact as many other ham radio users around the world within a 24-hour period beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday and ending at 11 a.m. Sunday.
"We will set up radio transmitting and receiving equipment at the Milan City Park," said Delbert Felix, Precedent of the local Ripley County radio club. "We will be able to test our skills in operating radio communication equipment in situations where electrical power is limited or unavailable and using makeshift antennas.
"This type of exercise, along with operators' dedication to public service, allows them to step in and help emergency officials, hospitals, clinics, schools and relief organizations when disaster strikes." The public is invited to stop by the East shelter at the Milan Indiana Park.