Rear Admiral Sean Buck, the son of a career naval officer and a native of Indianapolis, Ind., is a 1983 graduate of the United States Naval Academy where he earned a BS in Physics/Oceanography. He was designated a naval flight officer in 1985. Flying the P-3C Orion, his early at-sea operational tours were in Patrol Squadron (VP) 40, a disassociated sea tour in USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) as the V-2 Catapult and Arresting Gear Division officer, and in VP 26. He subsequently commanded VP 26 and Patrol and Reconnaissance Wing 11. His shore and staff assignments include Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 1, the Bureau of Naval Personnel as the Aircraft Carrier placement officer, The Joint Staff J3 as an air operations officer in the Reconnaissance Operations Division, the chief of naval operations staff as executive assistant to the deputy CNO for Warfare Requirements and Programs, and the United States Joint Forces Command as the deputy director for Operations in the Strategy and Policy Directorate. Prior to major command, he completed an interim assignment with the National Reconnaissance Office serving as the deputy director of the Naval NRO Coordination Group. It was during this assignment that he earned a spot in the Navy’s Space Cadre.
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