This is an extraordinary love story.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
RCARC Field Day 2012
Saturday June 23 all day and night.
The Ripley County Amateur Radio Club (RCARC) became ready for disaster with a test in the field using portable antenna and operating without power from the electric company. Portable generators, batteries, and home built makeshift antennas will be used for the exercise. Field Day, sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), is an annual event to keep amateur operators prepared in the event communications are disrupted or overloaded. The exercise was held at East shelter at the Milan, Indiana park
See a larger YouTube video of the 2012 Field Day fun.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Vietnam Wall coming to Versailles 7/18/12
A forgotten Vietnam Veteran
A forgotten Vietnam Veteran's sacrifice receives unexpected honor when he meets an active-duty soldier.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
RCARC Field Day 2012
Saturday June 23 all day and night.
The Ripley County Amateur Radio Club (RCARC) becomes ready for disaster with a test in the field using portable antenna and operating without power from the electric company. Portable generators and home built makeshift antennas will be used for the exercise. Field Day, sponsored by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), is an annual event to keep amateur operators prepared in the event communications are disrupted or overloaded. Please stop by the East shelter at the Milan, Indiana park to see the Field Day in action- everyone welcome.
See a larger YouTube video of the 2009 Field Day Fun fun.
Sumner Solstice 2012

A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun reaches its highest position in the sky as seen from the North or South Pole. The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the seasonal movement of the Sun's path (as seen from Earth) comes to a stop before reversing direction. The solstices, together with the equinoxes, are connected with the seasons. In many cultures the solstices mark either the beginning or the midpoint of winter and summer.
from Wikipedia
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Indiana Bobcats
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Yard Sale - NOT
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
"Tear down this wall!" June 12, 1987

"Tear down this wall!" was the challenge issued by United States President Ronald Reagan to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to destroy the Berlin Wall, in a speech at the Brandenburg Gate near the Berlin Wall on June 12, 1987, commemorating the 750th anniversary of Berlin.Reagan challenged Gorbachev, who was then the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
Monday, June 11, 2012
1962 Alcatraz escape

The June 1962 Alcatraz escape was an attempt by American criminals Clarence Anglin, John Anglin and Frank Morris to escape Alcatraz Island, one of the United States' most famous prisons. They burrowed out of their cells, climbed a ventilation shaft onto the roof and then climbed down and left the island on a makeshift raft. Despite an extensive search, the men were never heard from again and their fates remain unknown.
Friday, June 08, 2012
Cpl. John C. Bishop USMC Tribute
More than 5000 people have viewd the "Cpl. John C. Bishop USMC Tribute" to date. As time passes this video of John's return to the small town of Versailles, Indiana will help to keep him in our mind. I play this tribute from time to time to refresh my mind of the great sacrifice our veterans have gave in the past to protect our freedom. I reccomend you play the video as I do from time to time to keep our veterans in our thoughts. See the tribute HERE.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
D Day - 6 June 1944

On June 6, 1944, 160,000 Allied troops landed along a stretch of French coastline to fight Nazi Germany on the beaches of Normandy, France. Gen. Eisenhower called the operation a crusade in which "we will accept nothing less than full victory."
Read MoreSaturday, June 02, 2012
Good DX

Using JT65A HF digital mode today the propagation forcast was poor but I managed to work VK Australia, XE Mexico, JA Japan, DH Germany, HI Dominican Republic, GI Scotland, and lots of W USA stations. Most contacts were made on 10 meters but a few were on 15 meters. My 3 element tri-band Yagi at 33 foot was doing its job. The most power I used was 10 watts, most were made with 5. A fun DX day.See lots of Ham Radio pictures here.
73, Jack Radio Station WB9OTX
Friday, June 01, 2012
Memorial Day photos 2012
All of the 2012 Memorial Day photos have been posted. Check them out at:
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