Thursday, June 29, 2006
DVD Tributes
not only funeral tributes, but photo books for events, such as
alumni, birthdays, car shows, family & class reunions, & etc. etc.
The cost is $100.00 for up to 30 photos with each additional photo
add $1.00 per photo. The presentation will have CD quality background
music and special effects such as fade in fade out & many others.
DVD copies are $10.00 each.
You should provide the photos either prints or on CD. Quality of the
photos will equal the quality of the finished video, but enhancing is
possible on most photos. I am also capable of taking photos for your
presentation, such as weddings & reunions. This would be a lasting
gift for wedding anniversaries. Rush processing available.
See a very low quality Web demo at:
Your DVD will be full screen playable on any newer DVD player or
computer with DVD ROM.
Jonathan (Jack) Demaree
Ripley Computer Services
1071 South State Rd. 129
Versailles, In.
A nut shell
Just take good pictures, learn how to use digital processing to correct small errors and make enhancements, file, and backup all images.
That is it - THE END -
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Versailles High School Class 1956

I have posted the Versailles High School Class of 1956 photos
that were in the presentation at the 2006 alumni. You are
welcome to download or print any of these photos.
The album has a photo of the school and is entitled:
There are other albums on this page that you may want to view
also. The address (URL) is:
Bookmark this page as I will be posting new albums in the future.
Friday, June 23, 2006

I love Firefox and I want to take it wherever I go, but I don't want the hassle of installing it on every computer I sit at during my day at work. In comes portable Firefox, which you can get from:
Put it on your thumb drive and away you go.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Webmaster Tip
You can select all the text at once in a document by pressing CTRL + A. Then simply press CTRL + SHIFT + N and all the formatting is removed for you. If you only want to work with a specific block of text, you need to manually select the text and then you can use the CTRL + SHIFT+ N keystrokes. All the formatting is immediately removed from the selected text.
Poison ivy, oak, and sumac

Everything you ever wanted to know about poison ivy, oak, and sumac. The facts and myths are all hear.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Google just keeps on
Now you can upload up to about 1000 photo and share them with your friend. This is a free service, but there is a catch. You have to sign up, then wait for the invite from Google. I received mine in 24 hours, but your mileage may vary. It uses the program Picasa, also free from Google, to upload the album. Find out more & sign up for your invite. If you have a digital camera this is a must have tool.
You can view my small albums here
System optimization and privacy tool
Click download at the top left of the page to get it.
Useful email tips
Here are some useful email tips worth repeating.
Chris Pirillo, “the Lockergnome”, had this in his newsletter and consented to its reprint here. Thanks, Chris.
“Over the years of receiving messages from readers and listeners, here are the most commonly broken email rules:
1. TYPING THE MESSAGE IN ALL CAPS!!! This is the Internet equivalent of shouting at the person. It also means I AM LAZY!!!
2. Spelling, Punctuation and capitalization (or lack thereof). Just as in the analog world, these basic components of communication are critical for getting your point across. (i am amazid by how many messages i get that make a mokery of the engilish langage!!!)
3. Long-winded messages. E-mail is meant to be short and sweet. Get to the point, as many people get dozens, if not hundreds of messages a day.
4. Refrain from attaching large files (over 50k) to an e-mail message unless the recipient is aware that it is coming. Sending a picture of "Muffy with Santa" may seem fun to you, but your recipient may not be amused when they see what a 20-minute download produces!
5. Don't leave the subject line blank. Many people will simply delete any message that has no subject line. Make it short and descriptive so the recipient can make a quick decision about the message without having to open it.
6. Read over your e-mail before you send it, especially if it is an inflammatory message. E-mail is a permanent record and is being used in many legal battles. (Just ask Bill Gates!)
7. Use acronyms and emoticons :-) sparingly. They do help to make a message shorter and to the point, but can often be overused.
8. Don't believe everything that you read and don't forward it to everyone you know! E-mail hoaxes are getting worse because of all of the gullible users that mindlessly send the message without doing any research. If a message contains the line "Send this to everyone you know" it is almost always a hoax. Some good resources to check before succumbing to such hoaxes are Hoaxbusters,'s list of current Netlore, and Snopes.
9. Don't repeatedly send jokes to anyone without first getting their permission. I receive the same joke dozens of times from dozens of well meaning people, but it is more of a nuisance than it is worth.
10. Learn how to cut and paste items to put into a new message instead of just forwarding the original message. This will keep you from having the long list of previous addresses from appearing at the top of the message that you send.”
Number 10 is especially important, folks.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Holton Jamboree
Flag Day in the United States
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In the United States, Flag Day (more formally, National Flag Day), is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777.
In 1916, Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14 as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress.
Flag Day is not an official federal holiday, though on June 14, 1937, Pennsylvania became the first (and only) U.S. state to celebrate Flag Day as a state holiday.
Title 36 of the US Code is the official statute on Flag Day, however it is at the President's discretion to officially proclaim the observance.
The largest Flag Day parade is held annually in Troy, NY.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Worm Virus
Worm virus from Yahoo. Read More
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Photos from Versailles Gals
Click on the Albums to view all the photos Mendy has uploaded
Here is a link to her Auschwitz photos:
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
D-Day will be remembered

Only through preserving our past can we guarantee a future where the lessons and legacy of D-Day will be remembered.