Thursday, November 30, 2017

How to Stop Being an Interrupting Asshole

This is a pet peeve of mine - try not to be an "Interrupting Asshole" ...... Jack

Whatever the reason you interrupt—you want to win, you want to add value to the conversation, you want to be the smartest in the room—you’ll almost always be better off listening anyway. Listening gives you more information to use in a debate, makes you seem wiser because they’ll eventually ask you for your thoughts, and it keeps you from coming across as a know-it-all. You know who cuts people off so they can be heard? Children. Are you a child?

Practice Biting Your Tongue

Ever heard the expression “bite your tongue?” Try that—literally. It’s like a game. While other people talk, place your tongue between your teeth. If your tongue moves from your teeth, you lose and you’re a jackass.

Nobody likes someone who interrupts people all the time. It’s rude and it actually thwarts clear communication from happening. Some of us interrupters, though, are aware of our problem and tired of being the jerk who cuts people off. Here are a few tricks for shutting yourself down.

Know That Interrupting Is Bad for Everyone

Above all, you should know that interrupting is rarely helpful for anyone, including yourself. When you interrupt others, they feel like they haven’t been heard, so they end up talking more just to try and get their point across. That means more listening for you. Or worse, they shut down entirely and feel like their thoughts aren’t worth sharing at all, and that ruins the point of communication.

Whatever the reason you interrupt—you want to win, you want to add value to the conversation, you want to be the smartest in the room—you’ll almost always be better off listening anyway. Listening gives you more information to use in a debate, makes you seem wiser because they’ll eventually ask you for your thoughts, and it keeps you from coming across as a know-it-all. You know who cuts people off so they can be heard? Children. Are you a child?

Practice Biting Your Tongue

Ever heard the expression “bite your tongue?” Try that—literally. It’s like a game. While other people talk, place your tongue between your teeth. If your tongue moves from your teeth, you lose and you’re a jackass.
