Thursday, February 21, 2013
Cut Government Cost
I'd like to be in charge and if I were I would start with the army because I was there. I was in a headquarters company (HQ HQ USATC) at Ft. Ord and the waste was everywhere. All in this company had a Class A pass in our pocket all the time. This is a pass that has unlimited travail. You could go anywhere as far from post as you liked, all that was required was you had to be back to do your assigned job. All or at least most were instructors and gave fifty minute classes to AIT troops. I and most others gave two classes a week, this means I worked 100 minutes a week. I and others could have performed other work when we were not giving our classes. I taught military explosives but I could have taught other classes such as mortar, field fortifications, anti-tank warfare & etc. As I said before we could travail away from post and we did on almost every week end. The mess hall cooked for 250 men every day even on weekends. Now on Saturday and Sunday only 25 or 30 was there to eat but the mess hall cooked for 250 (why) ? The food that was not eaten was put in the dumpster. This went on every week end as long as I was there and this was only one company on post. Another savings that I noticed was we drew way too much explosives for my class. I ask several times why? I was told this was what was allotted. If we drew less - we might not get what we needed next time and our allotment may be cut. Again NUTS ! At the end of the week we would pile it up down range all that we did not use and blow it up. (BOOM) Thousands of dollars wasted. Now I could go on and on about the waste but I think you get the idea. These examples were only the ones I knew about, but there must have been hundreds more and not only at Ft. Ord but posts all over the world. If a dumb private in this mans army can see how to save money why can't the fat cats see the big picture also.