Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hill to vote for Obamacare

Columbus - Travis Hankins reacts to Baron Hill's announced support for the health care bill before Congress. Travis comments, "Baron Hill’s announced support for government run health care, tax payer funded abortions, half a trillion or more in new taxes on individuals and businesses and billions and trillions added to the deficit and debt will cost him his seat in November." Hankins continues, "Support for this bill confirms that Baron Hill is in the back pocket of the Washington special interests and the Pelosi-Obama administration. Baron Hill still has time to do the right thing and vote against this bill. "Hankins believes that this bill is nothing but a government takeover of health care that will lead to higher prices and lower quality of care. Travis Hankins had previously pleaded with Hill to vote against this bill due to the certainty that it will lead to tax dollars being used for abortions.

Travis Hankins is a real estate investor and conservative activist seeking the GOP nomination in Indiana’s ninth Congressional district. More information can be found at