A few days ago I returned home to see my telephone answering machine blinking thus telling that someone had left a message. This not being uncommon as I get several messages when I'm away from home. I pressed the play button and what a surprise, The caller was from Bagdad, Iraq. It was a coworker of a few years ago when we both worked for the Indiana State Police. His name is Robert Garcia and his Army unit was activated and assigned to active duty in Iraq. He told me in the recorded message that he enjoyed seeing my photos of his home town and would try to send an email but it is difficult. He wished me the best of holiday greetings and said good bye.
I was grinning ear to ear after listening to that message. I had made at least one person serving our country a small bit happier. I had considered dropping (deleting) all my pages from the internet in the next year as it is very costly to maintain. But now the cost is worthwhile, That phone call made it worth the the cost many times over.
Click to hear the recorded message